Project Dunes是位于澳大利亚悉尼的一个极简住宅,由Olivia Bossy设计。通过对工艺和材料的实验,她对探索笨拙和理性之间的界限很感兴趣——安静地引用历史设计作为脚注。该项目是对餐厅和活动空间的全面改造。室内主要使用天然材料和中性色调。

Project Dunes is a minimal interior located in Sydney, Australia, designed by Olivia Bossy. Experimenting with processes and materials, she is interested in exploring the line between the awkward and rational—quietly referencing historical design as a footnote. The project is a full renovation of a restaurant and event space. The interior utilizes mostly natural materials mixed with a neutral palette.

Design:Olivia Bossy
Photography:Tom Ross