通过 “Quartiertreffpunkt”,FDRS完成了一个规模小但影响大的翻新项目。这个新的邻里社区中心的设计是为了创造一个环境,使各种社区能够蓬勃发展,团体活动能够展开和发展。经过重新构思,以最小的干预措施获得最大的灵活性,原来只是一个空壳的房间,现在已经成为一个社会中心。

With “Quartiertreffpunkt,” FDRS completed a small scale but impactful refurbishment project. This new neighborhood community center was designed to create an environment where various communities can thrive, and group activities can unfold and develop. Re-conceptualized for maximum flexibility with minimalist interventions, the room, which was merely an empty vessel, has now become a social hub.


Operating in a surprisingly subtle fashion, space was repainted, and existing lighting and the existing bar was reorganized, and two elevated wooden structures were added to the front and the back of the room.


These wooden elements actively mediate between the interior and the exterior, re-proportioning the space with the introduction of scalable pieces of furniture that create height and balance along the length of the room. On one side, there is a playfulness and a blank canvas that speaks to a child’s imagination. Almost like a mountain, it is a natural element with an internal logic. At first glance, it lacks a clear use, allowing children to project their own ideas onto this module. On the other side, there is a light and whimsical component which consists of two platforms, following the slope of an existing ramp. More precise, with heightened transparency, it is reminiscent of a landscape. These two elements create a formal language that runs in continuous dialogue: the palings talk to each other, communicating between the two sides.

QTP已经成为一个地方,空间的特征是由那些以各种形式留下足迹的人定义的。被各种各样的居住者使用,这个最小的空间已经成为社区活动和凝聚力的发生器。Miquel del Rio:”我们的目标是为其社区优化这个空间。我们问自己。我们怎样才能用有限的资源提供一个高质量的设计?

QTP has become a place where the character of the space is defined by the people who leave their tracks in various forms. Used by a wide range of occupants, this minimal space has become a generator of community activism and cohesion. Miquel del Rio: “Our goal was to optimize this space for its community. We asked ourselves: How can we offer a high-quality design with a limited amount of resources?”

QTP是以FDRS喜欢称之为 “零公里 “建筑的极度本地化和可持续的方式产生的。Miquel del Rio:”与项目有关的一切都在离地点极近的半径内实现。我们的办公室就在工地的拐角处。做木制品的工匠在50米外。电工和油漆工都是来自深深扎根于克莱恩惠宁根的长期存在的公司。这些人帮助我们推动了这个项目。在不间断的对话中,我们成功地共同开发了它。因此,你可以说QTP不仅是为社区设计的,在更大的意义上,它也是由社区建造的”。

QTP was generated with an extremely local and sustainable approach FDRS likes to call “zero kilometers” architecture. Miquel del Rio: “Everything related to the project was achieved in an extremely close radius to the location. Our office is right around the corner of the site. The craftsman who did the woodwork is 50 meters away. The electrician and the painters are both from long-existing firms deeply rooted in Kleinhüningen. These people helped us push the project: In an unbroken conversation, we managed to develop it together. So you could say that QTP was not only designed for the community but in a larger sense, it was also built by the community.”

QTP是FDRS称为 “游击项目 “的一系列小型干预项目的一部分。这些项目规模较小,在高度地方化的背景下以较少的资源运作。除了Quartiertreffpunkt,FDRS最近完成了Parterre项目,目前正在进行Kaserne文化中心的改造,预计将于2021年完成。

QTP is part of a series of small interventions FDRS calls “Guerilla Projects.” These are smaller-scale realizations that operate with fewer resources in a highly local context. Besides Quartiertreffpunkt, FDRS has recently completed the Parterre Project and is currently working on the transformation of the Kaserne Cultural Center, whose completion is anticipated in 2021.

Architects: Focketyn Del Rio Studio
Area : 90 m²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Adrià Goula
Lead Architects : Focketyn del Rio Studio
Electrician : Moritz Hunziker AG
Design Team : Hans Focketyn, Miquel del Rio, Joshua Thompson, Santiago Martínez, Tomas Guerra
Clients : KLŸCK Quartiertreffpunkt Klybeck/Kleinhüningen
Woodwork : Südquai
City : Basel
Country : Switzerland