Raga Svara,正如其创始人所言,专注于与周围环境相结合的自我治疗、审美、哲学和生态福祉。Raga的标志 “Pause “表明所有进入这个绿色天堂的人都会有意识地暂停时间,进行反思,在与自然的协同作用下倾听身体的声音,并以一种教育的方式获得恢复活力。有了这样一个清晰的愿景,建筑师的责任是对现有的景观进行最小的干预,并让自然占据主导地位。

Raga Svara, as in the words of its founders, focuses on the therapeutic, aesthetic, philosophical, and ecological well-being of oneself in conjunction with the surroundings. Raga’s logo “Pause” indicates all those who enter this green haven consciously pause in time, reflect, listen to the body in synergy with nature, and get rejuvenated in an educational way. With such a clear vision for Raga, the onus on the architects was to make minimal interventions in the existing landscape and have nature take precedence.


The linearity of the site, old trees with huge canopies, agricultural land, location adjacent to the Rajkot- Bhavnagar highway, and natural site terrain were primary factors that steered the architects to take a biophilic approach to design. Zoning was done with relevance to huge banyan and peepal trees at the site. The architectural language was delineated by exploring basic aspects of roofs, walls, and floors. Floors interweaved inside and outside with landscape; walls with maximum transparency to enjoy lush vegetation; and roof being simple, horizontal exposed concrete slabs.

入口处的接待处迎来了延伸到屋顶的景观,邀请人们去散步并一睹整个物业的风采。整个屋顶被悬挂的窗帘爬山虎所掩盖,在进入大厅时,这简直就是一个绿色的帷幕,希望能给人以最初的基调。巨大的树木将餐厅、图书馆和游泳池包裹起来,界定了一个聚会的空间。图书馆就位于榕树(Ficus benghalensis)下,它与学习同名。 从古吉拉特邦的阶梯式水井中获得的灵感以及对充足的阴凉区域的要求,有助于发展具有对称穿孔天花板和花岗岩台阶的游泳池区。瑜伽中心的倒角和切割屋顶板是围绕着现有的芒果树(Mangifera Indica)规划的,提供了思考的空间。

The reception at the entry welcomes a landscape extending to the roof, inviting one to take a walk and have a glimpse of the entire property. The entire roof is hidden with hanging curtain creepers which is literally a green curtain while entering the lobby, hoping to set the initial tone. Gigantic trees encapsulate the restaurant, library, and pool by defining a space of congregation. The library has been located right under the banyan (Ficus benghalensis) which is eponymous with learning. Inspiration from the stepped wells of Gujarat and the requirement of sufficient shaded areas, aided in evolving the swimming pool area that has symmetrically punctured ceilings and granite steps. Chamfered and cut roof slabs of the yoga center were planned around existing mango trees (Mangifera Indica) offering space for reflection.

Raga Svara的中心,治疗室被隐藏在物业的后端,以提供隐蔽性。入口门厅和精品店有马尼拉罗望子树(Pithecellobium dulce)提供树冠,充满景观的洗手间和浮动的屋顶让自然光渗入大型治疗室,欢迎Raga的顾客。拥有20把钥匙的豪华Raga住宅是围绕着一个社区花园和环行桥而建的,在Moringa种植的背后有一个西方太阳的景象。小屋有自己的私人花园和一个游泳池,并隐藏在禅宗花园的后面。所有的洗手间都是自然通风的,有大的私人花园。

Heart of Raga Svara, the treatment rooms have been tucked in at the property’s rear end to provide seclusion. An entry foyer and boutique with manila tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce) offering canopy, ravishing landscape-filled restrooms, and floating roofs allowing natural light to seep into large-sized therapy rooms welcome Raga’s patrons. The luxurious 20-key Raga residences were built around a community garden and circumambulatory bridge, that frames a vista of the western sun behind Moringa cultivation. Cottages have their own private garden with a pool and are tucked in behind the zen gardens. All restrooms are naturally ventilated with large private gardens.

一个不对称的曼陀罗图案,作为一个核心的美学品牌形象,被巧妙地融合到了外观设计、标牌、裸露的混凝土天花板图案、墙壁壁画和地板中。采购当地材料和执行挑战是经历了三次大流行的《Raga》建设的一个组成部分。 围绕印度四种Ragas音乐创作的质朴的情绪板、当地采购的天然石材以及由实心柚木和藤条制成的定制家具是Raga室内设计的特点。

An asymmetrical mandala pattern, that was created as a central aesthetic branding identity, is subtly blended in the lookbook, signage, exposed concrete ceiling patterns, wall murals, and flooring. Sourcing local materials and execution challenges were an integral part of construction for Raga which went through three pandemic waves. A rustic mood board created around four Indian Ragas, regionally sourced natural stones, and customized furniture made from solid teak and rattan are characteristics of Raga’s interior design.

在郁郁葱葱的风景中蜿蜒曲折的小路,强调健康的美味古吉拉特美食,建筑和绿色空间之间的模糊,大量安静的角落,以及定制的有意义的静修,是Raga Svara提供的一些服务。小心翼翼地踩着25英亩农场的景观和现有的生物多样性,整个团队齐心协力,创造了Raga Svara,这是最好的体验而不是阅读。

Meandering pathways amidst lush landscapes, delicious Gujarati cuisine with an emphasis on well-being, a blur between the built and green spaces, a plethora of quiet corners to ruminate, and customized meaningful retreats are some of the offerings by Raga Svara. Carefully treading the landscape and existing biodiversity of a 25-acre farm, the entire team worked in tandem to create Raga Svara which is best experienced than read.

Architects: Shanmugam Associates
Area: 75000 ft²
Year: 2022
Photographs:Vinay Panjwani
Manufacturers: Duravit, Asian Paints, Century laminates, Greenply, Hafele, Schneider, TOSHIBA
Lead Architects: Santhosh Shanmugam, Raja Krishnan D, Ramya Raman
Engineering: Water Lilly PHE Consultant
Landscape: Earthscapes Consultancy Private Ltd, Sandip Patil, Tapan Modi
Design Team: Krishnah Priya, Ajith Kumar, Roshni Roy, Ramya Raman, Raja Krishnan, Santhosh Shanmugam
Clients: Denish Patel, Mohit Patel, Nirav Talaviya,
Consultants: Er.Balasubramanian, Structural (Shanmugam Associates)/ Nilesh
Collaborators: Siddharth Kaneria, Art Collaborative
City: Rajkot
Country: India