Rajkumari Ratnavati女子学校是一个建筑奇迹,由Diana Kellogg建筑事务所的Diana Kellogg设计,并受CITTA委托,CITTA是一个非营利组织,支持世界上一些经济上最困难、地理上最偏远或边缘化的社区的发展。

The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School is an architectural marvel designed by Diana Kellogg of Diana Kellogg Architects and commissioned by CITTA, a non-profit organization that supports development in some of the most economically challenged, geographically remote or marginalized communities in the world.

Rajkumari Ratnavati女子学校将为居住在印度拉贾斯坦邦神秘的泰尔沙漠地区的400多名女孩提供服务,从幼儿园到10年级,那里的女性识字率只有32%,处于贫困线以下。这所学校将是一个由三座建筑组成的综合体中的第一所,该综合体被称为GYAAN中心,还包括The Medha–一个带有图书馆和博物馆的表演和艺术展览空间,以及妇女合作社,当地工匠将在这里向母亲和其他妇女教授该地区的编织和刺绣技术。

The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School will serve more than 400 girls, from kindergarten to class 10, from below the poverty line residing in the mystic Thar Desert region of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, India — where female literacy barely touches 32%. The school will be the first in a complex of three buildings known as the GYAAN Center, which will also consist of The Medha – a performance and art exhibition space with a library and museum, and The Women’s Cooperative where local artisans will teach mothers and other women weaving and embroidery techniques from the region.


The GYAAN Center will empower and educate women, helping them establish economic independence for themselves, their families, and their communities. Since the GYAAN Center is designed by a woman for women, Kellogg looked at feminine symbols across cultures when starting the design process — specifically symbols of strength, landing on a structure of three ovals to represent the power of femininity and infinity, as well as replicate the planes of the sand-dunes in the region of Jaisalmer.

Rajkumari Ratnavati女子学校完全由当地工匠手工雕刻的Jaisalmer砂岩制成。对凯洛格来说,让社区参与到为社区建造的建筑中是至关重要的。使用当地材料建造基础设施有助于减少碳排放,凯洛格选择在屋顶上建造一个太阳能电池板雨棚,作为温度最高时接近120度的冷却系统。天棚和贾里斯都能将热量挡在外面,结构的椭圆形状也有助于带来可持续性的方面,创造一个气流的冷却板。

The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School is made entirely out of local hand-carved Jaisalmer sandstone by local craftsmen. It was vital to Kellogg to include the community in a building made for the community. Using local material to create infrastructure helped reduce carbon emissions, and Kellogg chose to build a solar panel canopy on the roof as a cooling system where temperatures peak close to 120 degrees. Both the canopy and jalis keep the heat out and the elliptical shape of the structure also helps bring aspects of sustainability creating a cooling panel of airflow.


The GYAAN Center will equip young women with the tools to further their education and independence as well as raise awareness surrounding the issues faced by women in India on a global scale.

Architects: Diana Kellogg Architects
Year: 2021
Photographs: Vinay Panjwani
Client:CITTA Foundation
Architect:Diana Kellogg Architects