
A Chicago developer tasked us to create a new office atmosphere within an existing single story masonry shell. Our strategy was to place emphasis on the intrinsic character of materials used to build this simple box.

首先,我们需要揭开它隐藏在旧石膏皮层后面的被遗忘的美。一旦周边被唤醒,我们就不再理会它,并开始引入一个日常 “办公空间 “所需的组件。

First, we needed to uncloak its forgotten beauty, hidden behind the layers of old gypsum skin. Once the perimeter was brought back to life, we kept clear of it, and began to introduce the components needed for an everyday “office space”.


An oversized communal desk with integrated storage was placed in the center of the room. Structurally supported by two thin perforated metal screens, the desks appear to be cut into smaller segments, defining multiple work areas needed within the single shared space.

这些引人注目的金属片被设计成在视觉上引人入胜,增强了现有皮肤的原始品质。为了进一步将办公室与相邻区域分开,我们引入了一个连续的黑色 “捆绑墙”,蜿蜒穿过各种程序性需求。储藏室、机械壁橱和一个私人办公室都被精心雕刻在这一单一的动作中。

These striking sheets of metal are designed to be visually intriguing, enhancing the raw qualities of an existing skin. To further separate the office from its adjacent zones, we introduced a continuous black “binding wall” snaking through various programmatic needs. Storage, mechanical closet and a private office are carefully sculpted within this single move.


The lack of natural daylight in the space was solved through the placement of large panes of glass as separating walls, borrowing light and adding views throughout. Now, the occupants are more connected with their immediate surroundings and feel much less contained.

Architects: Vladimir Radutny Architects
Area : 1200 ft²
Year : 2014
Photographs :Mike Schwartz Photography
Design Team : Vladimir Radutny, Fanny Hothan, Joe Signorelli
Construction : N/A
City : Chicago
Country : United States