位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市巴勒莫区的一栋二十世纪初的老建筑的改造,已成为快递公司Rappi Argentina的一个流动工作空间。考虑到该建筑的遗产状况,大部分元素被保留下来,并在内部和外部进行了修复:门、金属结构、大理石、玻璃和植物。

The rehabilitation of an old stud, dating from the beginning of the XX Century in the Palermo neighborhood, Buenos Aires, has become a fluid workspace for the delivery company Rappi Argentina. Taking into account the patrimonial condition of the building, most elements were preserved and restored inside and outside: doors, metallic structures, marbles, glass, and vegetation.


The floor plan is structured in three naves, one central and one on each side. The main space is a big workspace with a long acrylic vault which delivers a great amount of natural light.


In this same space trees and plants cohabit combined with the strong presence of a white and green color palette which suggests the idea of light and nature. Lateral naves work as meeting rooms, small office spaces, dining areas, and restrooms. The materials of the project are green-dyed veneered wood, white terrazzo with green and beige pebbles, black metal, black ash tree melamine, white ceramic, cement floors, etc.

Architects: Octava Arquitectura
Area: 8288 ft²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Gonzalo Viramonte
Manufacturers: FV, Huup, Lucciola, Sadopan, Vite
Lead Architects: Micaela Casoy, Paula De Falco