
The Raul House is a getaway house for the weekend, located in the hills surrounding the Aculeo Lagoon, 60 kilometeres from Santiago. It’s for family use, developed in one level throughout a continuous space that gives amplitude and flexibility.

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]
[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]


The house is located in the side of a hill with a strong slope that allows excellent views 180º from east to west, with views to the lagoon and the Andes Mountains.


It’s rectangular plan includes a covered terrace to the north and east so the family can enjoy the views protected from the sun and rain in any season.
The low budget was a main issue so basic materials and technology were used in its construction. The structure uses concrete piles on its base, and a steel and wood structure for the rest. The interior was made with pinewood, using it on plywood boards and tables.


The exterior of the house is dark so it can blend with the landscape, while the interior is white so the brightness increases.

Architects: Mathias Klotz
Area : 180 m²
Year : 2007
Photographs :Roland Halbe, Leonardo Finotti
Manufacturers : Isover, Aisanglass, Volcan
Constructor : Marco Maureira
Structural Engineer : Patricio Stagno
Client : Raul Diaz
Site Area : 6,000 sqm
Architects : Mathias Klotz, Magdalena Bernstein
City : Paine
Country : Chile