reedit是位于日本大阪的极简主义沙龙,由SIDES CORE设计。这家美发沙龙的特色是内部简约,只保留最基本的东西:一面大镜子和一个舒适的座位。镜子是通过一个挂钩挂在天花板上的,一些家具也是如此。此外,超高端的洗椅直接与室内的基本美学形成对比,为空间增添个性。

RE-EDIT is a minimalist house located in Osaka, Japan, designed by SIDES CORE. The hair salon features a stripped down interior, left with only the bare essentials: a large mirror and a comfortable seat. The mirrors are hung via a hook attached to the ceiling, as are some of the furniture pieces as well. In addition, the super high-end wash chair directly contrasts against the basic aesthetic of the interior, adding character to the space.

Design: Sides Core
Photography: Masuda Yoshiro