
The building is placed in the landfill of Boavista in Lisbon, an infrastructural operation of the late 19th century. The industrial architecture in which it resulted its an architecture of pragmatism.

在20世纪,Ribeira 11大楼有几个与工业和服务相关的用途。它是一个折衷主义的建筑,由多个部分组成,其主要特点是在垃圾填埋场的城市形态中,它被认为是一个狭长的部分。该项目保留并加强了这一特点。

The Ribeira 11 building had along the 20th century several uses connected to industry and to services. It is an eclectic building, composed by parts and its main characteristics it is its proposition of a long and narrow piece, in the urban morphology of the landfill. The project preserved and reinforced this characteristic.


The project consists in the adaptation, transformation and magnification of the building for 36 housing unities. It was preserved in its concrete structure and exterior expression. The new piece that fits in this is a white steel frame, serial and light. This solution allows for unitary exterior expression and flexibility of interior modeling and typology variation.

它被引入,在原来的建筑中,一个天井。这是关于一个以自然光和植被为特征的室内循环的地方。屋顶是用共济会的砖做的,要从里斯本的山上夺取,作为一个屋顶与其他的屋顶相连接。Ribeira 11可以被描述为一个重写本。

It was introduced, in the original building, one patio. It’s about a place that characterizes the interior circulations with natural light and vegetation. The roof is made with masonic brick to be seized from Lisbon hills as a roof in continuity with the others. The Ribeira 11 can be described as a palimpsest.

Architects: Joana Vilhena, Ricardo Carvalho
Area: 1112 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Nuno Goucha Gaspar / Desalinha, Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Architecture:Ricardo Carvalho, Joana Vilhena
Project Team:Ricardo Carvalho, Joana Vilhena, Hugo Lima, José Roque, Nuno Gaspar
Structure:ARA/Cristina Martinho, Fernando Rodrigues
Electricity:CPX/Luís Oliveira
Hydraulic Engineer:CPX/Celina Cabete
Mechanical Enginner:CPX/Bruno Henriques
Acoustics:CPX/Joana Leitão
Landscape Design:Global/Inês Norton