罗什别墅设计于1925-1925年,作为瑞士银行家Raoul La Roche的住宅,是勒-柯布西耶现代住宅方法的典型。别墅是罗什先生前卫艺术作品收藏的展览空间,是一个纯粹的空间体量组合,将住宅和画廊的双重程序相互连接。

Designed 1925-1925 as a residence for Swiss banker Raoul La Roche, Villa Roche is the quintessence of Le Corbusier’s modern approach to housing.The Villa acted as an exhibition space for Mr. Roche’s collection of avant-garde artwork, and is a pure assemblage of spatial volumes that interlocks the dual programs of domicile and gallery.

罗什别墅的长廊在将这两个项目连接成一体方面发挥了重要作用。它被想象成一种 “空间体验”,并由一条特别设计的路径组成,它引导居住者,并将艺术作品作为一条穿越历史的路线展现出来。

The promenade through Villa Roche plays a significant role in linking these two programs into one.It was imagined as a “spatial experience” and consists of a specifically deliberate path which guides the inhabitant and unveils the artwork as an itinerary through history.


Beginning with Cubist art and finishing with Purism, the promenade leads through the piano noble up into a succession of wonderfully illuminated spaces which were perceptibly designed to be experiential and viewed from a single, fixed point. Precisely placed wall openings, stairs, ramps, and balconies divide the space into three dimensional grid-like layers which are permeable to stunning illumination, yet subtle and unobtrusive to the Villa’s equilibrium.

罗氏别墅无疑是形式和程序的综合体。 它的层次结构是受Corbusier参观雅典卫城的启发而设计的,每个房间都有一个特定的目的–卧室、厨房、浴室–都被安排在更宏伟的区域之外,作为一个中央前厅,在整个别墅及其内部散射光线。

Villa Roche is most certainly a complex of form and program; its hierarchy is a theme inspired by Corbusier’s visit to the Acropolis.Each room has with a particular purpose – bedroom, kitchen, bath – are arranged offside to the much more grand area which acts as a central vestibule, diffusing light throughout the Villa and its interior.


Through the series of contracting and expanding corridors in Villa Roche, the dweller is allowed a personalized experience of the space.The prominent spatial volume serves as a focal point where the promenade can be experience all at once, however, it is the individual’s path throughout the villa is what will determine his perception of this residence.

与 “柯布西恩色彩空间 “相呼应,罗什别墅的内部采用了多色系的色彩方案,从深灰色,到明朗的蓝色,再到淡淡的黄褐色,与全白的外墙形成对比,鲜艳的内部色彩调和了别墅原本不对称的布置。

In keeping with “Corbusien color-space,” Villa Roche’s interior makes use of a polychromatic color scheme, ranging from dark gray, to lucid blue, to pale sienna.In contrast to the entirely white façade, the vivid internal color palate harmonizes the otherwise asymmetrical arrangement of the Villa.

勒-柯布西耶在罗什别墅的设计中采用了独特的方法,成为法国建筑的典范,并充分体现了他系统化的设计方法。勒-柯布西耶形容罗什别墅 “风景如画,充满动感,但需要一个古典的等级制度来约束它”。

Le Corbusier’s idiosyncratic approach to the design of Villa Roche yielded a stunning model of French architecture, and is a representation of his systematic design approach at its fullest. Le Corbusier describes Villa Roche as “picturesque, full of movement, but requiring a classical hierarchy to discipline it.”

建筑师:Le Corbusier
摄影作品:Rory Hyde, Steve Cadman, Flickr user: soft machine, Jaques, Amaury Henderick, Harold Hollingsworth
Architects: Le Corbusier
Year: 1925
Photographs: Rory Hyde, Steve Cadman, Flickr user: soft machine, Jaques, Amaury Henderick, Harold Hollingsworth
Country: France