一个有三个孩子的家庭请索非亚·库托(Sofia Couto)和塞里奥·安特斯(SérgioAntunes)于2010年在里斯本创立了Aurora Arquitectos,以翻新和扩建他们打算在贝伦建造自己的房屋的建筑。
该地段坐落在Rua Bartolomeu Dias大街上,这是一条与塔霍河平行的重要街道,位于贝伦文化中心,由维托里奥·格雷戈蒂(Vittorio Gregotti)设计与葡萄牙建筑师曼努埃尔·萨尔加多(Manuel Salgado)一起:这座城市的一部分,可能由于其偏远的地理位置而不受旅游业投机性发展的影响,这是一个提供大量商店和服务的居民区。房屋的背面通向Beco daRé,这是一条狭窄的U形人行道,周围环绕着工人阶级住房的不规则后端。该体积是不同高度的建筑物的密集幕帘的一部分,其中经过翻新的建筑物与待开发的空地交替出现。

A family with three children asked Sofia Couto and Sérgio Antunes, who founded Aurora Arquitectos in Lisbon in 2010, to renovate and expand a building in Belém where they intended to make their home.
The lot stands on Rua Bartolomeu Dias, an important street parallel to the Tagus River concluding at Belém Cultural Centre, designed by Vittorio Gregotti with Portughese architect Manuel Salgado: a part of the city which has, perhaps because of its outlying location, been less subject to speculative development for tourism, a residential neighbourhood offering plenty of shops and services. The back of the home opens onto Beco da Ré, a narrow U-shaped pedestrian laneway surrounded by the irregular back ends of working-class housing. The volume is part of a dense curtain of buildings of different heights, in which renovated buildings alternate with vacant lots awaiting development.

建筑师: Aurora Arquitectos
日期:2016 – 2019
建筑团队:Sergio Antunes, Sofia Reis Couto, Carolina Rocha, Bruno Pereira, Tania Sousa, Rui Baltazar, Dora Jerbic。
工程:Zilva, global, lda
摄影:Do mal o menos