该建筑位于Rua Francisco Metrass的北部,是里斯本西北部19世纪Campo de Ourique街区的一条街道。这个街区由城市矩形网格组成,被充足的大道分隔开来,尽管它是为新兴的资产阶级而规划的,但它仍然保持着它的统一性,因为它的生命依然存在。

The building is located on the northern part of Rua Francisco Metrass, a street from the 19th-century neighborhood of Campo de Ourique in the northwestern part of Lisbon. This neighborhood is composed of an urban rectangular grid, separated by ample avenues, and although it was planned for an emergent bourgeoisie, it maintains its unity as its life remains.


In order to keep that same unity, the building grows to the same height as its neighbors, providing five floors of habitation over an entrance and a garage floor. In each one of the floors there is an apartment with an established floor plan, where the light through the obliquity of the windows, takes advantage of an east-west solar orientation to enter during several moments of the day.


This becomes one of the most important aspects of the buildings: to capture inside the interior spaces a generous amount of light, while simultaneously protecting the intimacy of the inhabitant.


On another way, this opening on both sides of the building visually links the garden spaces with the street, allowing a wider permeability between interior spaces and the surroundings.


Each apartment interior was privileged comfort through materials, with the use of wood as an intermediate material between the silences of the tree cups from the garden spaces and the rudeness of the street.


The building was established through the concrete and brick materiality; this material combination brought roughness and plasticity, and the greyish tones displayed its neutrality.

这种材料总体上赋予了建筑一个中性的特征,允许与其余建筑的形式和色彩的异质性有更好的互动;使其在Campo de Ourique的邻里生活中发挥作用。

This materiality overall confers the building to have a neutral character, allowing a better interaction towards the formal and chromatic heterogeneity of the remaining buildings; enabling its purpose in the neighborhood life of Campo de Ourique.

Architects: Falcão de Campos
Area : 1055 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :José Manuel Rodrigues, Catarina Picciochi
Manufacturers : António M. Silva Gonçalves – Actividades Metalomecânicas, Carpintaria da Vermelha, Gracifer, Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores
Author : João Pedro Falcão de Campos
Collaborators : Filipa Mourão, Luísa Ramalho, Maria Macedo, Joana Heitor, Eliza Schier, Catarina Barros
Foundations And Structures : Betar – Consultores, Lda / Engenheiro Miguel Villar
Hydraulics : Campo D’Água – Engenharia e Gestão / Engenheira Marta Azevedo
Electrical Engineering : Afa Consult / Engenheiro Raul Serafim, Engenheiro Octávio Inácio, Engenheira Maria da Luz Santiago
Contractor : Tabelabstrata, Lda. / Engenheiro Carlos Falcão
City : Lisboa
Country : Portugal