Nanaha Co., Ltd.是一家通过 “mattcha “向世界发送 “日本新形式 “的公司。他们提供高质量的mattcha,菜单安排得很现代,例如mattcha latte。店内的空间希望成为一个 “现代茶室”,而不是一个 “日本风格的茶室”。据店主说,这是表达他们的感觉的一种方式,使顾客能够以现代的方式来享受日本的传统文化。

Nanaha Co., Ltd. is a company that sends the “new form of Japan” to the world through “mattcha”. They provide high-quality mattcha in menus that are arranged modernly, such as mattacha latte. The space inside the shop is desired to be a “modern tearoom”, not a “Japanese style tea room”. According to the owner, it is a way of expressing their feeling to make a shop that allows the customers to enjoy the traditional Japanese culture with a modern interpretation.

迭代后的茶室要 “把所有的陈设,如灯笼和手碗都做得和原版一样”,原版被称为 “Honka”(原诗的抄写地)。然而,这不仅仅是以相同的形式重复建筑,而是以适合自然和所在地文化的材料继承茶师的茶叶精神,这是设计师原创性和独创性的应用。为此,NANAHA OKINAWA RYUBO的设计引入了创造 “Honka “迭代的理念,即NANAHA ODAKYU SHINJUKU。

The iterated tea room is to “make all furnishings like lanterns and hand bowls the same as the original”, with the original version called “Honka” (original poem where the copy is from). However, this is not only repeating the architecture with the same form but inheriting the spirit of tea from the tea masters with materials suitable for nature and the culture of the location, which is an application of the designer’s originality and ingenuity. For this reason, the design of the NANAHA OKINAWA RYUBO introduced the idea of creating an iteration of the “Honka”, NANAHA ODAKYU SHINJUKU.

在细节上,设计还包括 “石头的房间 “和 “榻榻米的房间”,采用冲绳的传统材料。用琉球石灰石代替大谷石做间隔墙;用琉球榻榻米做地板;用冲绳明瑟布做隔断窗帘;等等。这些材料释放了冲绳的自然和文化传统,同时用迭代的茶室阐述了那霸作为茶叶大师的精神。

In detail, the design also consists of “the room of stones” and “the room of Tatami”, with the Okinawa traditional materials: Ryukyu Limestone for the spandrel walls instead of Oya Stone; Ryukyu Tatami for flooring; Okinawa Mincer Fabric for the partition curtains; and so on. These materials unwind the nature and cultural traditions of Okinawa, while articulating the spirit of Nanaha as tea master with the iterated tea room.

Architects: KAMITOPEN
Area: 109 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Keisuke Miyamoto
Manufacturers: Daiko, Wucun Stone Construction, luci
Interior Design: KAMITOPEN Co. Ltd.
Interior Designers:Masahiro Yoshida, Yoshie Ishii, Daiki Sakai