该建筑诞生于19世纪中期的一栋房子,然后在90年代进行了翻新,位于特雷维索历史中心的近郊区,可以俯瞰西莱河的地段。从原有的场地开始,建筑以一种蜿蜒的方式蜿蜒其形状,直到它通过一个大的门廊征服了河流的景色,门廊打算 “框住 “河岸景观,同时通过降低外墙的高度尊重其自然性。

It was a unique case; in the construction of a new building next to the client had made many illicit choices, causing the district government to intervene and to suggest a radically altered space. In between the existing building site and the newly built building, I built a structure that could be used as a green house.

总之,在建筑代表的层面上,我们可以确定三个主要的主题:通过自由和明确的体积表达的形状,引导和指导用户对环境的认识;审美特征,在 “皮肤 “中表达,根据更多的城市或自然景观而变化;渗透性,在生活空间和景观之间的连续游戏中,通过大型玻璃表面、内部花园、”非物质 “墙。

The metal structure of the building had already reached completion, and the husband and wife that had commissioned the project dreamed of a resting space full of greens. The major regulation was to ensure the walls to transmit at least 50% of the light, and based on the demand, I sought to find the right material that was interesting but stable. It was a coincidence that I found Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic grating, which met my needs.


I opted to suspend each part by connecting it via a cable to the structure above, and formed a haphazard grid of various sizes that did not match the steel frames of the building. As for the wall, I attached a lot of fixtures from where plants can hang, for an overall feeling of dynamism. Like monkeys in the jungle, I imagine the space to be a place of comfort and fun, for those people who may seek rest in the building.

Architects: Moon Hoon
Area : 330 m²
Year : 2013
Photographs :Namgoong Sun
Structure Engineering : SDM Structural Engineering
Construction : L Sungwon
Design Team : Kim Sung, Kim Taehyeong
Site Area : 90 sqm
City : Seoul
Country : South Korea