当你必须修复圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉历史中心的一所房子时,你永远不知道这是运气还是折磨。历史名城圣地亚哥的特殊保护和恢复计划中列出的建筑物受到严格的规则约束,有时几乎没有空间可操作。幸运的是,第一件事发生在这个项目中。该小组2ES +架构通过 阿方索•卡斯特罗马林洛伦佐和阿尔瓦罗•杜兰组成,发现这个条件很差的建筑物,它靠近旧市场,包括地下,一楼和一个小阁楼。

When you have to rehabilitate a house in the historic center of Santiago de Compostela, you never know if it is a luck or a torture. The buildings listed in the Special Protection and Rehabilitation Plan of the historic city of Santiago are subject to strict rules of action that sometimes leave very little room to operate. Fortunately, the first thing happened in this project. The team of 2es + Arquitectura, formed by Alfonso Castro Lorenzo and Álvaro Marín Durán, found a building in very poor condition, located near the Mercado de Abastos, consisting of ground floor, first floor and a small undercover.


The Plan obliged to preserve the structure of the building and the composition of the gaps in the façade, but on the other hand it allowed converting the small undercover into a new plant, thus gaining square meters of the building.
The new added volume was given a lighter and lighter aspect than the lower one, made of stone and with a heavy character, but looking for a natural transition between both. In one of the facades, the holes in the first floor have been reproduced exactly, while in the other, the traditional shape of the gallery in the annex building has been continued.


In its interior it has been wanted to put in value and give prominence to the existing stone walls, leaving them in sight and painting them in white, as well as the structure formed by metallic beams and forged collaborating. This helps to achieve a greater luminosity throughout the space, allowing the light to flow at will throughout the rooms. The staircase that connects the three floors is made of perforated sheet metal, also white, with a skylight located on the upper part that allows a cascade of light to bathe the whole space from top to bottom.


The furniture has been carefully chosen to follow the compositional line of the house, choosing the white color, the wood and soft colors as the main characters of the stage.


The artificial light of the house is mostly indirect, hidden in the beams or through small auxiliary lamps.

Architecture: 2es + Architecture
Photography: Hector Santos-Díez
Location: Santiago de Compostela