Sands Rooms位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的历史中心,是由NOMESSPROCESS工作室设计的一个新的酒店项目,旨在庆祝这座城市在世纪之交的建筑遗产。该酒店由7套公寓组成,坐落在一幢建于1910年代的宏伟古旧建筑内,由于居住了一个世纪,原有的辉煌已不复存在。工作室的精心装修让这座建筑在所有的装饰优雅中重现了昔日的辉煌,关键在于,它没有营造出一种古色古香、博物馆式的氛围,营造出一种毫不费力的现代感,这要归功于其充满活力的色彩,以及混合了古董、中世纪和当代艺术品的兼收并蓄的艺术和设计。

Located in the historic centre of Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sands Rooms is a new hospitality project by NOMESSPROCESS studio that celebrates the city’s turn of the century architectural heritage. Comprising seven apartments, the hotel in housed in a grand old building from the 1910s whose original splendour had been effaced by a century of habitation. The studio’s meticulous renovation has revived the building’s former glory in all its decorative elegance, crucially without imposing a stuffy, museum-like ambience to create a hotel that feels and looks effortlessly modern, thanks to splashes of vibrant colour, and an eclectic collection of art and design that mixes up antique, mid-century and contemporary pieces.

Photograph:Anton Ivanov