
The project is located on a corporate building in the financial district of Guadalajara, Mexico. The building in which the Sao Paulo offices are located, is subdivided for its lease; making the ephemeral and the temporary the core concepts of the project. In this specific case, the possibility of growth was not the only requirement; but a possible reuse, relocation or reconfiguration of space had to be considered, according to future needs.

从 “建筑不应该是一次性的 “这一前提出发,该项目是通过一个模块化的构造系统来开发的,该系统基于关节,可以在现场组装,其中的家具响应于一个整体。材料的调色板和项目的调制都是在考虑到尽可能减少浪费的前提下选择的。实心和半透明的面板被组装起来,响应其商业形式的测量。

Departing from the premise that “architecture should not be disposable”, the project was developed through a modular constructive system, based on joints, that could be assembled on site and in which the furniture responded to a whole. Both the palette of materials and the modulation of the project were chosen putting the minimum waste possible into consideration. Solid and translucent panels were assembled, responding to the measurements of its commercial format.


This project’s layout is generated by the insertion of two pavilions within an open plan, giving privacy to the common workspace between them. Finally, the area in the back of the floorspace is segmented in order to locate the meeting room and the main office, as they required the most privacy.

建筑师:Capítulo Dos
占地面积:150 m²
摄影师:César Béjar
制造商:Saint-Gobain, Alporta, Construlita
国家: 墨西哥
Architects: Capítulo Dos
Area: 150 m²
Year: 2018
Photographer: César Béjar
Manufacturers: Saint-Gobain, Alporta, Construlita
Country: Mexico