2009年,在墨西哥尤卡坦南部地区,一群年轻学生、玛雅农民的儿子和女儿属于Dzán农村社区,他们的经济支持主要是柑橘种植,他们被自己 “改变世界 “的狂热所感动,采取了行动,通过科学和文化共同努力,目的是激励人口中最脆弱的群体:儿童和青少年,他们的辍学率、药物滥用率和缺乏职业感正在上升。这就是他们决定成立Dzán科学社区的原因,这是一个非营利组织,旨在通过以科学和文化为主要工具的生活项目来增强自己社区的能力。

In 2009, in the southern zone of Yucatán, in México, a group of young students, sons, and daughters of Mayan farmers belonging to the rural community of Dzán, whose economic support consists mainly in the farming of citrus, moved by their “change their world” reckless enthusiasm, took the action into working together through science and culture with the purpose of inspiring the most vulnerable sector of the population: children and young adolescents, whose school dropout, substance abuse rates and lacking vocation were rising. That’s how they decided to found the Scientific Community of Dzán, a non-profit organization that pursuits the empowerment of their own community through the making of life projects with science and culture as the main tools for that.


They rapidly achieved to transmit their mission into many families, and because of that, their space requirements were no longer enough with the usage of the public spaces of the village. That’s when the authorities decided to donate a 1 hectare surface lot outskirts of Dzán to the young organization, the lot was surrounded by orange tree plantations. It was also located in front of a very important roadway that conduce to other communities and near villages.

Dzán是尤卡坦最古老的村庄之一,它的起源是因为神圣的玛雅Chilam Balam故事而闻名,它是伟大的玛雅人 “Itzáes “的避难所。说到这里,”El Parque de la Ciencia “是作为一个社会难民出现的,它试图摆脱传统的教育,寻求建立一个全新的宇宙,通过科学和文化作为支柱,在同一社区建造的植物园的庇护下,创造一个新的新生现实,其布局以古老的玛雅传统为指导。通过一条名为 “El Sacbé de la Ciencia “的小路进入,这条小路由一棵玛雅人的圣树 “ceiba “开始,它通向初升的太阳,所有的外部活动都从这里开始,一天结束后,在日落后回家。

Dzán is one of the oldest villages in Yucatán, its origins are known because of the sacred Mayan Chilam Balam tales, it was a refugee place for the great Mayan people, the “Itzáes”. Having said that, “El Parque de la Ciencia” comes up as a social refugee that seeks to move away from the traditional education and looks for building a whole new universe that creates a new nascent reality through science and culture as pillars, sheltered by a botanic garden built by the same community and whose layout is guided by the ancient Mayan traditions: Entering through a pathway called “El Sacbé de la Ciencia” which initiates with a ceiba, the sacred tree for the Mayan people and which leads to the rising sun from which all the exterior activities are unveiled, and by the end of the day, returning home following the sunset.


Inside the botanic garden, a multi-purpose pavilion, whose layout is set up by a services block and an open room oriented from northeast to southwest turns into a tunnel, whose entrances are big windows looking into the garden, and at the same time, allow the extension of the space, from the room to the exterior, presenting different configurations depending on the user needs such as a classroom, a scenario, a shelter, whose form employs the most common constructive systems of the region, and allows to create lattices that are used as framings for vertical orchards, creating also a constant temperature comfort in the space.

“El Parque de la Ciencia “现在是社区发展和交流的地标,它是一个成功改变尤卡坦南部城市和社会结构的交汇点。

The financing came from the village families and from the Embassy of Germany in Mexico.
“El Parque de la Ciencia” is now a landmark of development and exchange in the community, it’s a meeting point that has succeeded in transforming the urban and social structure in the south of Yucatan.

面积: 689平方英尺
摄影:Diego Lizama
首席建筑师:Andrea Cecilia Alcocer Carrillo, Diego Andrés Lizama Azcorra
Architects: LAAR
Area: 689 ft²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Diego Lizama
Manufacturers: Procon
Lead Architects: Andrea Cecilia Alcocer Carrillo, Diego Andrés Lizama Azcorra