
This project is a reinvention of the Rotorua headquarters of Scion, a Crown Research Institute that specializes in technology development for the forestry industry. Aptly located on the edge of the redwood forest in Whakarewarewa Forest Park, the project brings the workforce, previously siloed in smaller buildings dotted around the campus, into a central innovation hub while creating a new campus arrival point to strengthen the public interface for Scion.

以当地三个小部落的祖先Tuteata命名的 “Te Whare Nui o Tuteata “是一个尖端的工程木材展示,不仅在美学方面,而且对零碳排放的未来也有贡献。三座胶合木的 “山峰”,代表着该地区的三个hapu,傲然挺立在入口处。

Named after Tuteata, an ancestor of the three local subtribes ‘Te Whare Nui o Tuteata’ is a cutting-edge showcase for engineered timber not only in terms of the aesthetic but what it contributes to a carbon-zero future. A trio of ‘peaks’ in gluelam timber, representative of the three hapu in the region, stand proud and tall at the entrance.


Visitors pass beneath these portals to a triple-height atrium where a curated exhibition of wood-fiber technology and a café welcomes the public. Immediately present is the structural diagrid which rises three storeys to form the skeleton of the building. These structural elements are made of high-performing Laminated Veneer Lumber and feature dovetail node joints that slot and glue together in an expression of craftsmanship. Looking upward from the atrium, the levels above provide the more private, acoustically considered open-plan office and collaboration spaces.

根据Etool系统的评估,Scion创新中心在完工时实现了零碳排放。此外,为了测量所有的寿命和寿命结束时的碳,新建筑被评估为达到了RIBA(英国皇家建筑师协会)设定的2030年500公斤碳/平方米的目标。 通过使用由可持续生长的松树制成的工程产品,并对建筑的运行特性进行更多的思考,该建筑为新西兰的碳零未来做出了重大贡献,在土地上留下了更轻的足迹。

As assessed using the Etool system, the Scion Innovation Hub achieves embodied carbon zero at the time of completion. Furthermore, to measure all of life and end of life carbon, the new building was assessed to achieve the 2030 target set by the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) of 500kg of carbon/ msq. By using engineered products made from sustainably grown pine and putting more thought into the operational characteristics of a building, the building significantly contributes to New Zealand’s carbon-zero future to leave a much lighter footprint on the land.

Architects: Irving Smith Architects, RTA Studio
Area: 2000 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Patrick Reynolds
Design Team:ISA, Andrew Irving, Blair Sigley, Gaby Van Der Boom
Country:New Zealand