艺术家Morag Myerscough在格罗夫纳广场推出了 “看穿”(See Through),这是一个特定地点的竹子装置,作为Wander Art的一部分,Wander Art是由Alter-Projects策划、房东Grosvenor Britain and Ireland主办的伦敦最大的户外艺术路径。

Artist Morag Myerscough presents See Through, a site-specific bamboo installation in Grosvenor Square, as part of Wander Art, London’s largest outdoor art trail curated by Alter-Projects and hosted by Landlord Grosvenor Britain and Ireland.

随着英国夏日时光的开始,画廊仍然关闭,伦敦人可以沉浸在这个位于梅费尔和贝尔格莱维亚中心的户外画廊小径中。Myerscough的装置 “看穿 “是一个互动雕塑,由醒目的色彩、几何图案和霓虹灯组成,传递着希望和欢乐的信息。这个不可错过的艺术作品位于标志性的格罗夫纳广场,邀请路人走过,并将其作为积极和快乐的天堂。它是对我们所处的充满挑战的时代的一种充满活力和弹性的回应,旨在振奋那些遇到它的人,并激发积极的对话。See Through的信息来自于艺术家在过去一年中收集到的词语和短语。

As British Summer Time begins and galleries remain shut, Londoners can immerse themselves in this outdoor gallery trail in the heart of Mayfair and Belgravia. Myerscough’s installation See Through is an interactive sculpture of eye-popping colour, geometric patterns and neon messages of hope and joy. Situated in the iconic Grosvenor Square, the unmissable artwork invites passers-by to walk through and engage with it as a haven of positivity and joy. It is a buoyant and resilient response to the challenging times we are living in, aiming to uplift those who encounter it and stimulate positive conversation. The messaging for See Through is taken from words and phrases collected by the artist over the past year.

See Through》是Morag Myerscough有史以来第一个用竹子建造的装置作品,她选择竹子的原因是它的强度和灵活性,同时也是由于它的可持续和快速生长的特性。Myerscough仔细考虑了她的临时结构所使用的材料,确保所有材料都能重复使用或回收。在这个项目中,除了使用竹子外,她还使用了多年来收集的下脚料和她工作室里的油漆。

See Through is Morag Myerscough’s first ever installation constructed with bamboo, a material she selected for its strength and flexibility but also its sustainable, fast-growing properties. Myerscough carefully considers the materials she uses for her temporary structures, ensuring wherever possible that all are either reused or recycled. For this project, as well as using bamboo she has used ply offcuts collected over the years and the paint she had in her studio.

Myerscough的核心口号是 “让近处的人快乐,远处的人也会来”,而See Through是一盏色彩斑斓的灯塔,让每个人都能参与其中,感受到积极和快乐。她强烈的视觉语言让人一目了然,充满欢乐的活力,带来共同的认同感,并拥抱重建一个更乐观的新未来的机会。

Myerscough’s core mantra is ‘make happy those who are near and those who are far will come’ and See Through is a colourful beacon of positivity and joy for everyone to engage with. Her strong visual language is instantly recognisable and joyfully energetic, bringing a sense of shared identity and embracing the opportunity to rebuild a new more optimistic future.

Wander Art以特定地点的雕塑、装置和壁画为特色,为公众提供一种独特的方式来享受和发现伦敦。户外艺术路线展示了一些世界上最著名的艺术家和设计师的作品,如Fernando Laposse、Richard Woods、Yinka Ilori、Emily Forgot和Andres Mendez等,体现了当艺术界齐心协力,在充满挑战的时代为大众提振精神所带来的灵感。这11件作品颂扬了伦敦的标志性建筑,并汲取了艺术家的个人故事和对这座城市的个人观点。

Wander Art features site-specific sculptures, installations, and murals to offer the public a unique way to enjoy and discover London. Showcasing the work of some of the world’s most renowned artists and designers, such as Fernando Laposse, Richard Woods, Yinka Ilori, Emily Forgot, and Andres Mendez, the outdoor art trail embodies the inspiration that can be generated when the artistic community comes together in a joint effort to lift the general public’s spirits in challenging times. The 11 creations featured celebrate London’s iconic architecture and draw on the artists’ personal stories and individual perspectives of the city.

艺术家:Morag Myerscough
摄影:Gareth Gardner
Artists: Morag Myerscough
Year: 2021
Photographs: Gareth Gardner
Country:United Kingdom