巴西建筑公司MNMA在圣保罗设计了“ Selo ”,这是一个宁静,简约的零售空间,其灵感来自自然的时光流逝。
在任何繁华,快节奏的城市中,都很难获得平静的时刻。对于建筑公司MNMA而言,圣保罗(SãoPaolo)混乱的背景让人们有机会以“ Selo”(一家专门从事手工鞋的本地时装公司)的双后背内饰形式提供逃避现实的感觉。周到的细节设计在项目中十分丰富。在商店的入口处,地面已经过平整,以匹配人行道的高度,这是一种既考虑了选择,不仅可以提高可达性,而且还可以实现从外到内的不间断转换。

Brazilian architecture firm MNMA has designed ‘Selo’—a peaceful, minimalist retail space in São Paolo which is inspired by the natural passage of time.
In any bustling, fast-paced city, moments of calm are hard to come by. For architecture firm MNMA, the chaotic backdrop of São Paolo served as an opportunity to provide escapism in the form of a paired-back interior for ‘Selo’—a local fashion company specializing in handmade shoes. Thoughtful detailing is abundant in the project. At the entrance of the shop, the ground has been leveled to match the height of the sidewalk—a considered choice that not only improves accessibility but also provides an uninterrupted transition from outside to in.

在内部,建筑师利用圆柱形的内墙进一步增强了空间的自然流动性。材料的固化是该过程的重要部分-建筑师花了一些时间仔细地将诸如水泥,木板和石灰石之类的触觉纹理相互配对。当内部装修完成时,地板的自然膨胀导致出现大的裂缝。建筑师将这种意外的功能视为值得庆祝的事物,并采用了日本细木工技术Kintsugi。在此过程中,裂缝中充满了珍贵的金液,当其凝固后,会为空间带来新的独特特征。包含圆形天窗再次巧妙地提醒了时间的流逝。受艺术家詹姆斯·特瑞尔(James Turrell)的创作启发。

Continuing inside, the architects have utilized cylindrical interior walls to further enhance natural fluidity of the space. Curation of materials was a significant part of the process—the architects took time to thoughtfully pair tactile textures such as cement, wood paneling, and limestone with one another. While the interior was reaching completion, the natural expansion of the flooring caused large cracks to appear. The architects saw this unexpected feature as something to be celebrated and adopted a Japanese joinery technique known as Kintsugi. In this process, cracks are filled with a precious gold liquid which, when solid, brings a new, unique feature to the space. The inclusion of a rounded skylight is again a clever reminder of the passage of time. Inspired by the work of artist James Turrell, this feature serves not only as a source of light but also provides a connection to nature as it mimics both the sun and moon.

Photograph:Andre Klotz