我们的主要想法是在一个基本的形式中设计一个开放和透明的空间,在这里人们可以找到和平,并将自己与周围的环境联系起来。我们相信 “诚实、透明和开放会带来心灵的平静”–达赖喇嘛。

The main idea is to design an open and transparent space within a basic form where people can find peace and relate themselves to their surroundings. As we believe “Honesty, Transparency, and Openness bring Peace of Mind.”- Dalai Lama


The mosque is at West Raichota which is a remote coastal area almost 40 km south of Chittagong. The mosque was an essential demand as the single-story almost 35 years old mosque was severely affected by flood several times and lost its usability. The mosque is surrounded by an existing two-story Koumi Madrasa and a family graveyard at the south, and another graveyard at the north and at west a pond and a typical shelter house cum primary school, which is one of the inspirations for the formal expression of the mosque.


Users generally enter from the east alongside an open green space, usually used as a playfield for the Madrasa students and additional space for Eid Jamat, where there was a small pond earlier. A new large pond is introduced at the north with a ghat for taking ablution and bath. The mosque is also connected with a rear entry from the west.

作为一个沿海地区,清真寺被设计在一个升高的平台上,正面的广场用于额外的祈祷空间和社会活动。主厅是开放和透明的,以确保自然光和交叉通风。窗户使空间充满日光。外面的家庭墓地和内部的祈祷大厅都在现世和来世之间创造了一条精神的长凳线。重复的垂直墙面起到了切割眩光的作用,而监狱(穿孔)墙面则过滤了光线,创造了美丽的光影纹理。监狱(穿孔)墙的几何图案是通过连续翻转定制的R.C.C.块创造的。一个木块被设计成五个臂膀,围绕着一个五边形,另有五个孔,这反映了伊斯兰教中宏伟的数字 “五”。伊斯兰教的五个支柱,一天中的五次祈祷,以及五个卡里玛。

Being a coastal area the mosque is designed on a raised platform with a frontal plaza used for additional prayer space and social activity. The main hall is open and transparent for that natural light and cross ventilation are ensured. The windows flood the space with daylight. Outside family graveyard and inner prayer hall both create a spiritual bench line between the present life and afterworld. Repetitive vertical walls act as fin which cut the glair while jail (perforated) wall filters light and creates a beautiful texture of light and shadows. The geometric pattern of the jail (perforated) wall is created with continuous flipping of the custom-made R.C.C. blocks. A single block is designed with five arms around a pentagon with another five holes, which reflect the magnificent number ‘five’ in Islam. Five pillars of Islam, five times prayer in a day, and five Kalimas.


A double-height volume with a glass roof is created at the area for Imam and mihrab which visually connects the upper level with the lower. Mihrab is decorated with a wooden veneer panel with a bookshelf creates an additional focus. This double-height space with a glass roof invites sky and rain and creates a sense in the middle of the limit and infinite.

Architects: 3 Points Consultant
Area: 6650 ft²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Maruf Raihan
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Adobe, Akij Ceramics, Aramit Thai Aluminium Limited, Corel Draw, PHP, Trimble Navigation
Lead Architect: Tapon Kanti Sarker
MEP: 3 Points Consultant
Interior Design: 3 Points Consultant
Associate Architect:Tanveer Hasan
Junior Architect:Mithu Hossain
Structure Engineer:Mohammad Kowsur Hasan
Architects:3 Points Consultant