Shana位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡市中心,是一家地中海餐厅,它避开了通常被类似机构所接受的乡村陈词滥调的典型印象 ,以舒适、真实、古雅和清爽的细节。作为俄罗斯银座餐饮集团项目的一部分,这家餐厅由建筑师卡蒂亚·阿拉吉奇(Katya Alagich)和室内设计师兼El Born工作室Ilya Gulyants的所有者设计,反映了其充满活力的休闲精致菜肴,主要借鉴以色列食谱。

Located in the centre of St. Petersburg, Russia, Shana is a Mediterranean restaurant that eschews the typical iconography of rustic clichés often embraced by similar establishments for a cosy authenticity of well-worn elegance and crisp detailing. Part of Russian restaurant group Ginza Project, the eatery was designed by architect Katya Alagich and interior designer and owner of El Born studio Ilya Gulyants as a reflection of its vibrant cuisine of casual sophistication which predominantly draws from Israeli recipes.

Photography:Sergey Mailnikov