西西里摄影师彼得罗·莫蒂斯(Pietro Motisi)的“ 西西里幻想曲 ”(Sicilia Fantasma),或英文西西里岛的幽灵,是根据他对意大利南部小岛的观测结果整理而来的有趣图像集。沉思系列将地点作为一个概念,其中风景大多没有人类存在,为观看者提供了沉思的时刻。
“与空间的特征有关,该系列确立了一个关于我们是谁的批判性观点,” Motisi解释说。他说:“因此,这些个人观点承担了某种政治宣言的立场。” 从慢跑的人穿过燃烧的田野,大海中一棵奇特的树木,到雾气笼罩的景观和村庄,莫蒂斯的摄影作品都在试图反思人类与我们所居住的领土之间的关系以及影响。“南非摄影师戴维·戈德布拉特(David Goldblatt)辩称,事件本身并不像导致事件发生的条件那么有趣,”莫蒂西继续说道,“并且以类似的方式,我的作品代表了这种隐喻。这是关于我们属于一个领土,并重新定位我们对地球,从而对自己的行动和责任。”

Sicilian photographer Pietro Motisi’s ‘Sicilia Fantasma’, or Sicily ghost in English, is a collection of intriguing images collated from his own observations of the south Italy island. The pensive series focuses on place as a concept, where landscapes are mostly devoid of human presence to offer a moment of contemplation for the viewer.
“The series establishes a point of critical reflection on who we are, in relation to the characteristics of our spaces,” explains Motisi to IGNANT. “So these personal visions assume the position of a kind of political manifesto,” he says. From a man jogging past burning fields, a peculiarly positioned tree in the sea, and landscapes and villages shrouded in fog, Motisi’s photography seeks to instill reflection on the relationship between, and impact of, humans and the territories we inhabit. “South African photographer David Goldblatt argued that events in themselves are not as interesting as the conditions that lead to them,” continues Motisi, “and in a similar way, my work represents this metaphor. It’s about our belonging to a territory, and repositioning our actions and responsibilities towards the earth, and therefore towards ourselves.”

Author:Pietro Motisi
