
In the 70m2 space we sought to unite comfort and luminosity for the dweller’s daily life, as well as amplitude to occasionally receive his friends. We sought to unite these practical desires with an affectionate relationship between him and his new residence.


The apartment is part of a brief phase in the dweller’s life. Thus we focused on using little cabinetry and loose furniture, so that he can take it with him in the future. We demolished the walls of the second bedroom and joined them to the balcony to enlarge his living room, making a unique and well-lit environment.

在项目的情感方面,我们考虑到客户有一段时间生活在日本。我们试图通过 “shoji”–用木头和纸制作的日本房屋的传统门–带来一丝乡村气息。我们在细木工板的有节奏的调制中使用了白色富美家与木头的对比,让木头的垂直部分突出,并与沿衬里的板条对齐。一个间接而微妙的提法,提醒居民他在外面的时间。

On the affective side of the project, we took into account that the client lived for a period of his life in Japan. We tried to bring a touch of the country through the “shoji” – traditional doors of Japanese houses made with wood and paper. We used a contrast of white Formica with wood in a rhythmic modulation of the joinery panels, leaving the vertical wood panels highlighted and aligned with the slats that run along the ceiling. An indirect and subtle mention to remind the resident of his time outside.

Architects: December Architects
Area : 70 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs : Carolina Lacaz
Responsible Architects : Marcos Bresser, Thiago Maurelio
Joinery : Marcenaria Marcenetto
City : São Paulo
Country : Brazil