为房地产和空间的未来提出解决方案的ZIGBANG公司,将其总部从大流行中移出,建立了一个名为SOMA的元空间,这是一种在线业务方法。ZIGBANG公司一直在运作这种在线工作方法,为了满足对离线空间的需求,规划了SOMA LOUNGE,以加强员工之间的交流和友谊,以及对公司的归属感。我们规划的这个地方既能包容公共会议(Meetings),也能包容私人会议(Party),在这里,你可以在工作或会议之余,一起聊天或开派对。

ZIGBANG, which proposes solutions for the future of the real estate and space, removed its headquarters from the pandemic and built a metaverse called SOMA, an online business method. ZIGBANG, which has been operating this online work method, planned SOMA LOUNGE in response to the need for an offline space that can enhance communication and fellowship among employees and a sense of belonging to the company. We planned this place to embrace both public meetings (Meetings) and private meetings (Parties), where you can chat or have a party together as well as work or meetings.

SOMA LOUNGE位于首尔的Teheran-ro,周围都是高楼大厦,里面没有窗户,四面都被墙壁挡住,所以它就像一个没有光线的地下空间。我们把这个黑暗阴沉的空间想成是城市中的一个洞穴,并试图把它变成一个舒适的洞穴,通过吸引 “光 “到这个感觉寒冷和闷热的地方,让你感受到温暖。空间的特征可以根据用户的目的而改变,不需要任何特殊的过程。我们给出的可持续性是创造一个环境,可以只用光本身来改变空间的使用和气氛。通过只使用 “光 “而不是具有独立可变性或硬件扩展的结构,它给出了根据用户的使用和目的而改变的可能性。

SOMA LOUNGE, located on Teheran-ro, Seoul, surrounded by high-rise office buildings, has no windows inside and is blocked on all sides by walls, so it was like an underground space without light. We thought of this dark and gloomy space as a cave in the city and tried to make it a cozy cave where you can feel the warmth by attracting ‘light’ to this place that feels cold and stuffy. The character of the space can be changed according to the purpose of the user without any special process. The sustainability we gave was to create an environment that can change the use and atmosphere of space using only light itself. By using only ‘light’ rather than a structure with separate variability or hardware extension, it gave the possibility of being changed according to the user’s use and purpose.

放置在整个空间的灯光(Cave lights),包括中央大厅的光柱和无限的地平线,被计划通过使用颜色可控的RGB照明集成系统,将空间转变为一个完全不同的时间和空间。根据时间的流逝,从太阳升起的黎明到太阳落下的傍晚,人工照明的设置使人们在没有阳光的情况下也能识别时区,柔和的散射光给人以平静的感觉,创造出一个沉浸的环境。这种光线通过红色的粗糙墙壁、微微发光的地板和光滑的天花板的反射,变成一种灵活的动态氛围,并有可能根据各种事件而改变。前面的元素很鲁莽,但却很有效,足以完全改变使用者在这里的生活方式。空间根据其使用目的被适当地划分,但在每个空间中都留有目光交叉的空间,使人们的相遇更加灵活。

The lights (Cave lights) placed throughout the space, including the light pillars in the central hall and the infinite horizon, were planned to transform the space into a completely different time and space by using a color-controllable RGB lighting integrated system. According to the passage of time, the artificial lighting setting from dawn when the sun rises to the evening when the sun sets makes it possible to recognize the time zone even in the absence of sunlight, and the softly spreading light gives a calm sensibility to create an immersive environment. This light changes into a flexible and dynamic atmosphere by the reflection of the red-colored rough walls, the slightly luminous floor, and the smooth ceiling, and has the potential to be changed according to various events. The preceding elements were reckless but effective enough to completely change the way users spend their time here. Spaces are appropriately divided according to their purpose of use, but space is left in each space where the gaze crosses to make people’s encounters more flexible.


In addition to the open common space, private spaces such as some meeting rooms and intensive workspaces were separated from the central hall and corridors and placed as hidden spaces to prevent eye conflict. To focus on the functionality of the space, the beautiful, curved masses, which have been removed from unnecessary decorative elements, create a comfortable atmosphere with a soft impression by connecting the lines of movement and the flow of gaze. The air-conditioning facilities that existed on the ceiling of the existing space are maintained, and the ceiling composed of various floor heights acts as a spatial element that can distinguish between a common space and a cozy place.


In addition, the frustrating problem of not having a window in the space was realized by inserting a monitor deeply into the wall of the inner space as if there were a hole in the cave and implementing a digital window using the contents of video and the sound of nature. This leads to a mysterious experience that feels like a natural space, not a mere artifact, both visually and auditory. As a result, users freely explore nature, and the space becomes a medium through which they can interact more closely.

Architects: Design Studio BYO
Area : 547 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Kiwoong Hong
Manufacturers : TON, Colos, Kolon, LX HIMAX, MAGEL, WEKINO
Design Director : Park Sun Ju
Architectural Director : Lee Bong Sik
Space Designer : Kim Won Jong, Lee Seung Ho
City : Gangnam-gu
Country : South Korea