该项目位于Marratxí的Pórtol的 “Sa Cova Son Caulelles “的绿色区域。它位于一个非常不规则的场地上,由于现有的一个旧砂岩采石场。由于时间和周围环境的影响,采石场现在被一层表土和茂盛的植被所覆盖,其中以地中海松树为主。

The Project is located in the green zone where “Sa Cova Son Caulelles” is found, in Pórtol, Marratxí. It lies on a very irregular site, due to an existing old sandstone quarry. Due to time and the surrounding environment, the quarry is now covered by a layer of topsoil and lush vegetation, which is dominated by the Mediterranean Pine.

干预措施的目的是参考该场地,它被Costa i Llobera街道、市政体育中心和Son Caulelles老年公寓所限制,将后者连接起来,形成它的一部分。

The objective of the intervention in reference to the site, which is limited by Costa i Llobera street, the municipal sports center, and the Son Caulelles geriatric residence, is to join the latter to form part of it.

该项目建议包括在该地块最崎岖的地方及时修建一条 “长廊”,以到达这个小的遗产角落。它提出了一个适应性的路线,也克服了现有的地面差异。它提供了一条似乎是在同一块土地上工作的道路,这是通过材料的选择实现的。它是由一个无人看管的混凝土地板定义的,它具有泥土的颜色,一个看起来像从地下冒出来的砂岩路边,和一个干石海岸墙(marge),在Marratxí市的城市森林环境限制中非常常见。

The project proposal consists of a timely accessible “promenade” in the most rugged area of the plot to reach this small heritage corner. It proposes an adapted route that also overcomes the existing ground-level differences. It offers a path that seems to have been working from the same land, which is achieved through the choice of materiality. It is defined by a floor of unattended concrete which is of an earthy color, a sandstone curb that looks like it’s emerging from the ground, and a dry-stone coastal wall (marge), very common in the limits of the urban forest environment of the municipality of Marratxí.

该地块只有一个可以从街道和这个界限进入的边界,它由一个产生外墙的边界墙组成。为此,再次恢复了干石墙(marge)与 “pie de rey “面的概念,通过两个 “fitas “的marés在两边定义了两个入口:一个次要的是进入维护和主要的一个,其 “fita de marés “通过其几何形状的优雅,邀请你进入。

The plot only has a border accessible from the street and this limit, which consists of a boundary wall that generates the facade. For this reason, the concept of dry-stone wall (marge) with “pie de rey” faces is recovered again, defining at both sides the two entrances by means of two “fitas” of marés: a secondary to access to the maintenance and the main one, whose “fita de marés” by the grace of its geometry, invites you in.

在路线的两端,提供了两个城市休息的角落,一个在入口处,另一个是一个小板凳式的中庭,指向Son Caulelles洞穴。

It is offered at both ends of the route, two urban corners of rest, one in the access and another, a small bench-like atrium, directed towards the Cave of Son Caulelles.

Architects: ACN Arquitectura, Montis Sastre Arquitectura
Area : 321 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Lluís Bort i Cerezo
Manufacturers : AutoDesk, Cantera Can Casetes
Lead Architects : Tomás Montis Sastre, Adrià Clapés Nicolau
Team : Tomás Montis Sastre, Adrià Clapés Nicolau, Alejandro Mora Martín, Pep Buades Duran
Engineer : Miguel Fuster Martínez
Quantity Surveyor : Pau Gomila García
City : Pòrtol
Country : Spain