法国建筑师Nicolas Dahan通过“ Soulac Sur Mer Wooden House ” 创造了理想的森林体验,这是一栋木制别墅,重新考虑了松木的使用并带入了室外。
房屋位于一片松树林之中,可眺望前方广阔的景色。房屋通过一系列呈直线形分开的木材体块,并具有从地板到天花板的玻璃幕墙,使大自然可以贯穿整个房间。这些内容包括起居区,就餐区和就寝区,每个区都享有宁静而不受干扰的景观。Dahan解释说:“进入松树林就是进入房屋。” 该场所本身是建筑不可或缺的部分-松树和橡树为大风提供了庇护所,并且是房屋建筑的主要材料。别墅通过营造将建筑环境与自然环境融合在一起的亲密氛围,体现了居民与自然的真正联系。“海洋虽然看不见,但距离却如此之近,以至于冲浪的节奏在一天之中,”Dahan补充说。

French architect Nicolas Dahan has created an idealized forest experience with ‘Soulac Sur Mer Wooden House’, a wooden villa that rethinks the use of pine wood and brings the outside in.
The home is positioned amidst a forest of pinewood trees, looking out to the expansive scenery ahead. The house takes its rectilinear form via a series of separated timber volumes, with floor-to-ceiling glass walls that allow nature to run throughout the rooms. These volumes comprise the living, dining, and sleeping areas, each with tranquil and uninterrupted views. “To enter the pine forest is to enter the house,” explains Dahan. The site itself is integral to the architecture—the pine and oak trees provide shelter from strong winds and are the primary material for the home’s construction. The villa embodies the residents’ genuine connection to nature by creating an intimate atmosphere that blends the built and natural environments together. “The ocean, though not visible, is so close that the sound of the surf rhythms the day,” adds Dahan.

Design:Nicolas Dahan
Photography: Vincent Leroux