对于意大利室内和家具设计师托马索·斯宾齐(Tommaso Spinzi)来说,好的设计就是讲故事。脱离任何特定的风格,他认为设计应该反映用户的个性和风格,所以当它来到自己的工作室在米兰,Spinzi设计,设计师大胆的空间充满了多元化的艺术和设计的集合反映他的创新精神,灵感和激情。作为创意中心和画廊空间,该工作室展示了来自意大利和国际艺术家和设计师的精选艺术品和家具,夹杂着复古物品和1983年的保时捷911,它体现了设计师对中世纪意大利家具、汽车和摩托车的迷恋。

For Italian interior and furniture designer Tommaso Spinzi, good design is all about storytelling. Untethered from any specific style, he believes that design should reflect the personality and style of the user, so when it came to his own studio in Milan, Spinzi Design, the designer boldly filled the space with a diverse collection of art and design that reflect his creative spirit, inspirations and passions. Conceived as a creative hub and gallery space, the studio showcases a selection of art and furniture pieces from Italian and international artists and designers intermingled with vintage objects and a 1983 Porsche 911 that embody the designer’s fascination with Mid-Century Italian furniture, cars and motorbikes.

Design:Tommaso Spinzi
Photograph:Lorenzo Pennati