该公寓位于SQS 308,巴西利亚的示范超级街区。卢西奥-科斯塔对这些建筑进行了定位,使所有居民都有隐私。玻璃卧室和客厅朝东。

The apartment is located at SQS 308, Brasília’s model superblock. Lucio Costa positioned the buildings so that all residents would have privacy. The glazed bedrooms and living rooms are oriented towards the east.

服务区的晚间光线通过cobogós过滤。街区的景观是非物质化的白色块状物,似乎漂浮在Burle Marx花园的上空。这个项目的目的是重新解释现代主义遗产,并将其与新的生活环境联系起来。

The sunset light from the service area is filtered by cobogós. The landscape of the block is dematerialized white blocks that seem to float over Burle Marx’s gardens. The goal of this project was to reinterpret the modernist heritage and connect it to the new living.


We had the freedom to rebuild the apartment, uncharacterized by the renovations of the previous years. The intention of rescuing the visual silence of the space would leave the landscape and art in evidence. We reworked the plaster, loosened the walls from the floor, and repositioned the new cumaru parquet flooring with the same joints as the original flooring.

这些家具和艺术品拯救了一些大师的巴西性:Burle Marx, Dionísio Del Santos, Gilvan Nunes, Zanine Caldas, Lina Bo Bardi, Sergio Rodrigues, Zalszupin等等。

The furniture and artwork rescue the Brazilianness of some masters: Burle Marx, Dionísio Del Santos, Gilvan Nunes, Zanine Caldas, Lina Bo Bardi, Sergio Rodrigues, Zalszupin among others.

Architects: Equipe Lamas
Area : 113 m²
Year : 2013
Photographs :Haruo Mikami
Manufacturers : Indusparquet, Deca, Indusplan, Renome, Vitral
Architect in Charge : Samuel Lamas
Project Team : Samuel Lamas, Juliana Costa
City : Brasília
Country : Brasil