Toru Kurokawa的雕塑以有机的线条和流畅的轮廓为特点,传达了自然世界的美。因此,设计是开放的解释:有时与生物趋势,其他时间让人想起渗出蜂巢或波纹珊瑚。通过尺度和精准,Toru Kurokawa美丽地描绘了生命的本质——将力量与精致和脆弱并列在一起。

The figurative work of Japanese artist Toru Kurokawa has an ethereal elegance; their almost fluid forms seem frozen in time.
Toru’s sculptures are characterized by organic lines and smooth contours, channeling the beauty of the natural world. As such, the designs are open to interpretation: sometimes with biological tendencies, other times reminiscent of seeping honeycomb or rippling coral. Through scale and precision, Toru beautifully depicts the nature of life — juxtaposing strength and power with delicacy and fragility.

Author: Toru Kurokawa
Photography: © Sokyo Gallery
