BNAG是Oliver-Selim Boualam和Lukas Marstaller的折衷工作室,他们将自己的实践描述为“超级设计服务”。在他们最近的项目“Summloch”中,位于卡尔斯鲁厄/马拉喀什的设计工作室要求观众在雕塑对象中失去理智,以获得不同类型的“超级设计服务”。
“Summloch”系列在其意图中是独一无二的,这些作品被设计为美学和听觉体验。 Boualam和Marstaller解释了这个项目的前提:“把你的头放进Summloch并哼唱:你的整个身体开始刺痛。”为了鼓励游客到’Summloch’系列中的这种行为,这对产生了一个信息丰富的印刷伴奏。这本黑白出版物充满了具体的诗歌,要求你把他和他一起,哈姆和韦姆沃姆沃玛进入Summloch躯干顶部的洞穴。 “声音从Summloch的墙壁回响,放大了自然的共鸣”,两人解释道。与“Summloch”的互动旨在为游客提供“和谐的幸福感”。

BNAG, the eclectic studio of Oliver-Selim Boualam and Lukas Marstaller, describe their practice as being a “super design service”. In their recent project ‘Summloch’, the Karlsruhe/Marrakesh-based design studio asks its audience to lose their heads inside sculptural objects for a “super design service” of a different kind.
The ‘Summloch’ series is unique in its intention, the pieces have been designed as both an aesthetic and aural experience. Boualam and Marstaller explain the premise of the project: “Put your head into a Summloch and hum: your whole body starts tingling.” To encourage this behaviour from visitors to the ‘Summloch’ collection, the pair has produced an informative typographic accompaniment. This black and white publication is filled with concrete poems that ask you to Him Him Him Hamme and Waym Wam Wem Woomah into the cavern atop of the Summloch’s trunk. “The sound waves reverberate from the Summloch walls, amplifying the natural resonance”, the pair explain. Interaction with the ‘Summloch’ is intended to provide visitors with “a harmonious feeling of wellbeing.”

Project: Summloch
Author: Bnag
Photography: ©Bnag
