我们专注于我们品牌的一个特殊故事,以便在房间里传播Sumsei的优势。Sumsei的产品大多会遇到赤裸的身体或赤裸的脚,例如 “身体干燥器”,它是用于沐浴后轻松干燥身体的主导产品。我们注意到,在我们日常生活中容易经过的许多产品中,它是最接近我们身体的品牌。当我们光着身子站在Sumsei上时,风会吹起,风会慢慢唤醒我们的感官。感官的觉醒是一个不断通过感官重新定义自己的过程,从认识到自己的身体是感官的主体。苏姆塞从头到脚唤醒我们的感官,不断地宣泄我们的存在,就像诗人金川秀的诗《花》和小王子的《玫瑰》一样,而这正是解开苏姆塞空间的关键因素。

We focused on a special story of our brand in order to spread the strengths of Sumsei in the room. Sumsei has products that mostly encounter bare bodies or bare feet, such as ‘body dryer’ which is the leading product that is used to easily dry the body after shower. We paid attention to the fact that it is the closest brand to our body among many products that we easily pass by in our daily life. Wind blows when we stand up on Sumsei with a bare body, and the wind slowly awakens our senses. The awakening of the senses is the process of constantly redefining oneself by the senses from recognizing one’s body as the subject of the senses. Sumsei awakens our senses from head to toes and constantly ventilates our existence like the poem “Flower” by the poet Kim Choon Soo and the “rose” of the Little Prince, and this is the key element to unraveling the space of Sumsei.


First of all, in order to evoke our daily lives filled with boredom and awaken unfamiliar senses, we need to return our body to a state of nothingness. And by opening our senses intentionally, it allows you to feel the experience of building up layers of sense on your own. We plan a space that opens different senses for each floor, and we intended the staircase to suggest the next space. Each floor is melted with spatial and temporal background, which is intended to help the audience empathize when the senses open gradually. Not just limited to senses, when the audience empathizes with the spatial context, we thought that we could maximize the experience that they feel in it.

B1–当你下到地下室的时候,在地下室第一层你会遇到的空间是深沉的地面和深沉的夜。根据指导,所有的观众将脱掉鞋子,光着脚丫子进入 “住世 “的空间。他们将通过黑暗、无视、漫长的通道,而完全依靠蜡烛和手脚尖的感觉。在抛开周围模糊的恐惧的同时,迈出一步需要勇气。此刻,脚趾共传递了三种不同的感觉,地面与脚接触的触感非常新鲜。此外,随着脚部感觉的变化,你也能体验到进入你耳朵的声音片段是如何变化的。在通道的尽头,有一个用于冥想的空间,你可以放下你在通过通道时依赖的蜡烛,在看着蜡烛时花点时间清理你的感官。闪烁的蜡烛抚摸着模糊的人物,观众可以感觉到自己模糊的感官逐渐变得清晰起来。穿过冥想空间后,一个将空间和时间背景最大化的地下空间出现。建筑物的空隙空间被用来在黑暗的地面上创造出一个缺口,夜空被打开。

B1 – When you go down to the basement, the space on the first basement floor you will encounter is deep ground and deep night. According to the guidance, all the spectators will take their shoes off and enter with bare feet to the space of Sumsei. They will pass through the dark, sightless, and long passage, while solely depending on the candle and sensations from the tips of their hands and feet. It takes courage to take a step while leaving behind the vague fear that surrounds you. At this moment, the toe transmits a total of three different senses, and the touch of the ground coming in contact with the foot feels very new. Furthermore, as the sensation of the feet changes, you can also experience how the pieces of sound that enter your ears change. At the end of the passage, there is a space for meditation where you can put down the candle you depended on while passing through the passage and take a moment to clear your senses while looking at the candle. The flickering candles caress the blurry figures, and the spectator can feel their vague senses gradually becoming clearer. After passing through the meditation space, an underground space that maximizes the spatial and temporal background appears. The void space of the building was used to create a gap in the dark ground where the night sky was opened.

1F 黎明之水–在地下一层的尽头,你可以感受到从一层流下来的水。当你沿着水流的楼梯上到第一层时,时间背景从深夜变成了黎明,空间背景从地面变成了湿地。黎明隐藏了世界的光芒,只露出了它的黑白形态。比起在地面上什么都看不见的情况下,它的视觉效果被打开了一些,但还是更让人窒息。虽然前面的视线还很模糊,但感官却被水的敏锐触觉逐渐唤醒。踩着暗示岸边的水路和泥土,你来到了雾气升腾的岸边。当你在缓慢移动的寂静中重新认识自己时,你逐渐在黎明时分醒来。

1F Water of dawn – At the end of the first basement floor, you can feel the water flowing down from the first floor. When you go up to the first floor by following the stairs where the water flows, the temporal background changes from deep night to dawn, and the spatial background changes from the ground to a wetland. Dawn hides the light of the world and only reveals its black-and-white form. It was opened a little more visually than in the ground where nothing could be seen, but it is still more breath-taking. Although the front sight is still blurry, senses are gradually awakened by the sharp touch of the water. After stepping on the water path and mud that hints at the shore, you arrive at the shore where the mist rises. You gradually wake up at dawn as you realize yourself anew in a stillness that moves slowly.

2F 风之心 – 当你沿着草地爬上楼梯时,你到达了风吹过的田野。风是不容易被我们的眼睛捕捉到的东西。因此,我们认为仅仅通过观察在风中摇曳的东西,是很难完全理解风的。在这个领域,我们创造了一个在日常生活中无法体验的风的景观,以唤起风的存在,并让观众用整个身体去感受风的各种表现。第一个房间的下面是一片在风中摇曳的芦苇,上面是在风中摇曳的波浪。你可以自由地躺在芦苇场上,用你的整个身体感受风的痕迹。第二个房间下面是水,上面是时间的领域。这一次,你可以躺在水面上,欣赏在风中摇曳的田野。在走到这里的时候,观众每走一步都能感受到一种新的感觉,感觉到自己的整个身体在陌生的体验中逐渐充满了清晰的感觉。身体越清晰,越能将模糊散乱的思想和情绪组织起来。

2F heart of wind – As you climb the stairs along the grass, you arrive at a field where the wind blows. The wind is not something that can be easily captured by our eyes. Therefore, we thought that it was difficult to fully understand the wind simply by looking at something swaying in the wind. In this field, a landscape of wind that cannot be experienced in daily life was created to evoke the existence of the wind and to allow spectators to feel the various expressions of the wind with their whole body. The first room has a field of reeds swaying in the wind below, and waves swaying in the wind above it. You can lie freely on the reed field and feel the traces of the wind with your whole body. The second room has water below and a field of time above. This time, you can lie on the water and admire the fields swaying in the wind. While coming this far, spectators can feel a new sensation with every step, and feel that their whole body is gradually filled with clearer sensations through unfamiliar experiences. The clearer the body, the more vaguely scattered thoughts and emotions are organized.

3F 栖霞森林 – 穿过一条神秘的绿色通道,沙沙作响的树叶欢迎你,你终于到达了森林。鸟儿在鸣叫,水在流动,天空在闪闪发光。三楼是五感开放的苏木森林。你还可以在自家种植的罗勒的香味中享受饮料。观众将用自己的感官接受这个空间,这些感官是通过每层楼的经验积累起来的。你可以在舒适中保持平静,同时品味自然界经过的片段。

3F Sumsei Forest – After passing through a mysterious green passage where rustling leaves welcome you, you finally reach the forest. Birds are chirping, the water is flowing, and the sky is glimmering. The 3rd floor is the forest of Sumsei, where the five senses are opened. You can also enjoy a drink with the scent of homegrown basil. Spectators will accept this space with their own senses that have been accumulated through the experiences from each floor. You can stay in peace with comfort while savoring the pieces of nature that have passed by.

ROOFTOP 刷新五感 – 屋顶是一个扩大住持森林和完成旅程的空间。头顶上的天空无限高远,天空中,有一面镜子在风中摇曳。下面,一个方形的、笔直的头部包含了天空和风的物体。这面镜子是最终再次面对自我的镜子,是漫长旅程的时期。我们的身体由于镜子的摇摆而重复地进出自然。每时每刻都在变化的光的长度和颜色,捕捉天空的水的表情,你甚至可以感受到风在竹子和它的藤条中移动的声音。

ROOFTOP Refresh five senses – The rooftop is a space to expand the forest of Sumsei and finish the journey. The sky is infinitely high above your head, and in the sky, there is a mirror swaying in the wind. Below, a square, straight head contains the objects of the sky and wind. The mirror is a mirror of the self that is finally faced again, and is the period of a long journey. Our body repeats to go in and out of nature due to the swaying mirror. The length and color of light that changes every moment, the expression of water that captures the sky, and you can even feel the sound of the wind moving through the bamboo and its canes.

世界的变化取决于我们感官的范围。在栖霞的空间里,你可以通过感官的恢复来发现自己的存在,感官体验在我们的记忆中留下清晰的痕迹。现在,像雨一样,我们已经准备好面对比昨天更丰富的日常生活。Sumsei,一个衍生出你一直面对但没有意识到的快乐的品牌,而不是创造出从未见过的新奇,Sumsei,一个带来你一直关注但没有意识到的快乐的品牌,收集小动作,最终迈出第一步,将衍生出对世界的情感变化。通过这种方式,我们试图通过空间打破过去线下商店的片面吸引力。我们试图传达品牌的信息,即 “不购买也没关系”,通过不暴露产品的正面、自然的原始体验和五感,引起消费者的主动好奇心。

The world changes depending on the range of our senses. In the space of Sumsei, you can discover your existence through the recovery of the senses and sensory experiences leave clear marks in our memories. Now, as rain, we are ready to face a more abundant daily life than yesterday. A brand that derives joy that you have been facing all the time but have not been aware of rather than creating novelty that has never been seen before, Sumsei, a brand that brings joy that you have been looking at but unaware of, gathers the small movements and eventually takes the first step that will derive an emotional change to the world. In this way, we tried to break away from the one-sided appeal of offline stores from the past through space. We tried to convey the brand’s message, which is “it is okay not purchasing” by eliciting the consumer’s active curiosity through not exposing the product on the front, the primordial experience of nature, and five senses.

Interior Designers: NONE SPACE
Area : 412 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Jaeyoon Kim, Haneol Kim
Landscape Consultants : NONE SPACE
Clients : Sumsei Terarium
Photographers : Jaeyoon Kim, Haneol Kim
Design Team : NONE SPACE
City : Seongdong-gu
Country : South Korea