
Taipei Flora Expo Pavilions (dream, future, life) represents our long time effort of integrating architectural art with technology. This project turns the old trees in Xinsheng Park into a magic driving force inviting buildings to extend, either high or low, among the trees, offering visitors scenic view and communication.


Such spatial experience is like no other in Taiwan. The building meets the diamond standard of the Taiwan Ministry of Interior EEWH Green Building Label. Furthermore, intelligent technology is found in the control of the window, sunshades and air conditioning system. Thus the comfort and energy consumption of the building could be optimal.

台北花博馆的鸟瞰图显示了成群的树木和两个部分的大型建筑空间。在规划过程中,主办方已经提前意识到必须减少园区内的移植树木数量。在施工过程中,我们严格要求公司不要把那些老树作为 “停车树荫”,以保护土壤和根部免受轮胎的不断滚动。我们还意识到,树木可以帮助建筑物分散东北风和台风的压力,减少阳光直射的时间,提高它们的生存率。

An aerial view of Taipei Flora Expo Pavilions shows groups of trees and two parts of large building space. During the planning, the sponsor had realized in advanced the necessity of reducing the number of transplanted trees in park. During the construction, we strictly required the company to not take those old trees as “parking shade” in order to protect the soil and the roots from the constant rolling of tires. We also realized that trees might help buildings to disperse the pressure of northeast wind and typhoon, reduce the hours of direct sunlight to increase their survival rate.

在设计这三个展馆时,融合了许多国内和国外的技术。例如,”未来馆 “本身就是一个巨大的温室,里面有来自寒带、温带和热带的台湾本土植物。这是由高科技的温度和湿度控制系统实现的。

When designing the three pavilions, many domestic and foreign technologies were fused. For example, Future Pavilion itself is a huge greenhouse which houses Taiwan native plants from frigid, temperate and tropical zones. This was made possible by high-tech temperature and humidity control system.


For the plants from subtropical zone and orchid zone, water walls and air fans are used to replace energy-consuming air conditioning system. The roof is also the result of high technology. Greenhouse uses ETFT cushion which is transparent but insulated. It helps with the plants’ photosynthesis. Curtain design can adjust the indoor light according to the weather. In addition, the 200KW solar panel can provide alternative energy and reduce the carbon emission.


The indoor environmental quality can be controlled automatically, energy is saved and temperature is lowered by the drencher curtain in the greenhouse. The hall is equipped with mist spray and floor cooling instead of air conditioner. Light energy-saving green roof softens Taipei skyline and reduces urban heat island effect. Plants on the wall can contribute in low maintenance and thermal insulation.


Solar panel on the inclining façade toward the courtyard provides recycled energy. Meanwhile, rainwater from Taipei city is directed into wastewater purification in aggregate, where the aquatic flora absorbs the heavy metal in water and the gravel accelerates contamination precipitation. The water is therefore purified naturally. The 170-meter water purification way provides the courtyard of Xinsheng three pavilions with clean source of irrigation, nourishes various aquatic flora, and exhibit water recycling system.


We are trying to figure out whether could we reduce the negative effects and meanwhile positively make our lives more elegant and healthy. After all, the Expo is temporary while the environment is eternal. Hopefully after the Flora Expo, our five senses could experience joy in life brought by the greenery and water, enjoying moments with our family in the park.

Architects: Bio-architecture Formosana
Area: 6185 m²
Year: 2010