经过一年多的隔离和大流行病的关闭,居民对户外体验的渴望在印度尼西亚的大城市大规模出现。由于无法出国旅行,餐厅已经从单纯的吃饭场所转变为国内的避风港。由Seniman Ruang设计的Talaga Sampireun旨在提供一种自然的户外用餐体验,展现印尼农村生活的新形象,同时仍然保留其传统价值。该项目位于勿加泗市,那里有密集的家庭居民和产业工人。项目简介是将10.000平方米的空地改造成许多独立的建筑,如入口、主餐厅、VIP餐厅、Saung、厨房、厕所,以及由绿色植物、人工湖、农业园和游乐场组成的景观。

After over a year of quarantine and pandemic shutdowns, the residents’ longing for outdoor experience emerged massively in Indonesian big cities. Restaurants have adapted from being just a place to eat to a place of domestic escape due to the inability of traveling overseas. Designed by Seniman Ruang, Talaga Sampireun aims to offer a natural outdoor dining experience with a new image of Indonesian rural life, while still retaining its traditional values. The project was in Bekasi city, which has a dense population of family residents and industry workers. The brief was to transform 10.000 sqm of empty land into numerous detached buildings such as entrance, main dining, VIP dining, Saung, kitchen, toilet, and landscape consisting of greeneries, artificial lake, agriculture garden, and playground.


The lake was built to cool down the hot and arid conditions, also as an immense reservoir for rainwater harvesting which can be used to automatically water the plants. Surrounded by 17 floating dining spaces called Saung (a Sundanese hut, usually built as a resting shelter for local farmers), the lake became the main attraction and a new habitat that naturally bred edible fishes for customers and workers.


The idea was to solve the site condition by implementing Indonesian vernacular architecture. All of the buildings were designed to enable natural cross ventilation which minimizes reliance on air conditioning, and the wide expanse of the roof, inspired by the shape of a banana tree leaf, shading the room from heat and tropical heavy rain. A tight budget was the challenge that made all the materials were selected carefully so that they can still bring timelessness into the design. The project incorporated local, eco-friendly structural materials alongside modern steel structures.


Sulawesi coconut wood, which was not commonly used in its place of origin and sold at a very low price, was predominantly used as the structure, floor, and wall of Saung. Besides being affordable, rigid, easily grown, and accessible, they also aged beautifully – the older the wood, the bigger the wood fibers appeared, and the more exotic it became. The floor was elevated to avoid termites and the ceiling was exposed to express wood shingles construction and minimize budget, moreover passive cooling was achieved by allowing air flows under and over the building.

该设计不仅试图提供一个可持续的方法,而且还提供一个文化价值。入口空间用藤条覆盖,以现代方式编织,作为对印尼蜡染织物的诠释。砖块被暴露出来,并以另一种蜡染图案堆叠在一起,作为厨房和用餐区的分隔物。一行行的竹子被嵌入不同的高度和挥舞的构图中,同时允许空气在它们的开口处流动。当地古老的瓷砖,Tegel Kunci,被用来加强地板的焦点区域,并表达谦虚。廉价的装饰品被选来将农村的气氛带入生活,如传统的印度尼西亚餐具作为装饰,农民的帽子被改造成壁灯。

The design tried to give more than just a sustainable approach but also a cultural value. The entrance space was covered in rattan, woven in a modern way as an interpretation of Indonesian Batik fabric. Bricks were exposed and stacked in another Batik pattern as a divider between the kitchen and dining area. Lines of bamboo were embedded in different heights and waving compositions while allowing airflow between their openings. The local vintage tiles, Tegel Kunci, were applied to enhance a focal area of the floor and express modesty. The inexpensive decoration was selected to bring the rural atmosphere to life, such as traditional Indonesian cutleries as decoration and farmers’ hats that were transformed into wall lamps.

Architects: Seniman Ruang
Area : 800 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Celvin Leowardi
Interior Designer : Seniman Ruang
Lighting Consutlant : ErreLUCE
Site Area : 10.000 sqm
Built Area : 800 sqm
Parking Area : 2500 sqm
Landscape : 6700 sqm
City : Bekasi
Country : Indonesia