继承了弗兰克-劳埃德-赖特在塔利辛西区的学生建造的沙漠庇护所的传统,”阁楼 “是作为塔利辛建筑学院的毕业论文项目设计、建造和居住的。该论文探讨了功能和审美适应性的概念,用户控制的心理学,以及作为支持处于不断变化状态的建筑环境的空间框架的预期性建筑的想法。

Carrying on the tradition of student-built desert shelters at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West, ‘The Loft’ was designed, constructed, and inhabited as a final year thesis project at The School of Architecture at Taliesin. The thesis explored concepts of functional and aesthetic adaptability, the psychology of user control, and the idea of anticipatory architecture as a spatial framework that supports a built environment in a constant state of change.


A welded steel frame defines a flexible space with a sleeping platform floating above the desert floor. Perforated metal panels (provided by Arktura) and sliding canvas panels respond to the intense desert sun with the dynamic play of light and shadow. The remaining openness invited future intervention and adaptation from students at Taliesin’s living laboratory in years to come.

具有讽刺意味的是,由于学校不幸离开了位于塔利辛西区的家,这种干预被阻止了(TSOA后来以另一种前瞻性的身份搬迁到了阿科桑蒂)。尽管如此,”阁楼 “与其他几十个学生建造的庇护所一起,坚强地矗立着,用建筑探索的手工图腾点缀着广阔的沙漠景观。

Somewhat ironically, that intervention was blocked due to the school’s unfortunate displacement from its home at Taliesin West (TSOA has since relocated to Arcosanti with yet another forward-looking identity). Nonetheless, The Loft stands strong, along with dozens of other student-built shelters, punctuating a vast desert landscape with handmade totems of architectural exploration.

Architects: Taylor Bode
Area : 200 ft²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Steph Bode, Taylor Bode
Lead Architects : Taylor Bode (designer)
City : Scottsdale
Country : United States