Sierra Madre位于西班牙维哥市中心。餐厅的推广者希望带来他们所属的墨西哥风味,以及这个国家的全球的现代感觉,摆脱陈词滥调。食谱和产品的真实性迫使Erbalunga Estudio寻找一种方式来反映他们在美食中所拥有的价值空间。在设计层面,产生了一组尺度,其中不同尺寸和颜色的体积将不同的房间与天花板隔开; 没有装饰和规模的这些元素从外部使人有了觉得房屋更高的感觉。通过这种模式的工作,生成路线并建立差异化的环境,它已经尝试在该处所内引入该城市。颜色的构成起到了创造自己的宇宙的基本作用,与外部现实相对立,并且预期用户获得不同的体验,并且不需要与维哥市相关联,而是与蒙特雷相关联。

Sierra Madre is located in the heart of Vigo, Spain. Restaurant promoters want to bring their Mexican flavor, as well as the country’s global and modern experience, to get rid of clichés. The authenticity of recipes and products forces Erbalunga Estudio to find a way to conquer the space that reflects the value they have in the cuisine. At the design level, a set of scales is created in which volumes of different sizes and colors separate different rooms from the ceiling; these elements without decoration and scale provide a higher perception of the house from the outside. Through this scale of work, generating routes and establishing a differentiated environment, it has attempted to introduce the city within the premises. The composition of color plays a fundamental role in creating your own universe, is opposed to external reality, and expects users to have different experiences, and does not need to be associated with Vigo, but is associated with Monterrey.

Design: Erbalunga Estudio 
Photography: Erbalunga Estudio