Tepic 22是一个位于Colonia Roma的城市住房项目:墨西哥城最活跃的社区之一,也是近年来住房开发的理想场所。

Tepic 22 is an urban housing project located in Colonia Roma: one of the most vibrant neighborhoods in Mexico City, and an ideal place for housing developments in recent years.

地块的拓扑结构:一块非常大的土地,以1:4的比例塑造了19世纪后半叶的中产阶级住宅群,由一条被称为 “privadas “的大街道连接的私人群落,在这个空间组织中,建筑解决方案同样利用了公共和私人空间。

The topology of the plot: a very large piece of land with a 1:4 ratio shaped the middle-class housing complexes from the last half of the 19th century, private clusters connected by a large street called “privadas” a spatial organization in which architectural solutions have taken advantage of the common and private spaces alike.

我们的项目 “特皮克22 “从重新审视这些建筑解决方案及其对当代住房生产方式的可能调整中获得了灵感。

Our project Tepic 22 takes inspiration from revisiting those architectural solutions and their possible adaptations to the contemporary ways of producing housing.

Architects: tallerdea
Area: 3180 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Moritz Bernoully
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Cemex, Adobe Systems, Novaceramic, Trimble Sketchup
Lead Architects: René Caro, Jesús López
Collaborators:Héctor López, Isabel Gallardo, Gabrielle L Trejo, Daniel Benítez
City:Ciudad de México