
The project is located in the rice-growing countryside adjacent to Thai Binh city. Most of the population here is engaged in agriculture and rice cultivation. The current architecture in the village is mainly 1- to 2-story houses and very few traditional single-story rural houses with sloping roofs are left.

房子是祖父母居住的地方,他们的孙子孙女每周末都会来拜访。目前的土地由祖父母以 “自给农业 “的模式耕种,包括蔬菜和水果园、鱼塘、养鸡场,以及田地里的水稻种植组合。因此,设计方案围绕着最重要的标准,即适合他们的生活方式和日常生活习惯。其他标准是自然通风,良好的照明,减少能源消耗,以及利用和重新使用日常生活中的雨水。当房子有3个开放面时,它的优势在于可以看到花园和池塘的宽阔视野,并能接受良好的南风。房屋的主立面朝向西方。

The house is where grandparents live and their grandchildren come to visit every weekend. The current land is being cultivated by grandparents with the model of “subsistence agriculture” consisting of vegetable and fruit orchards, fish ponds, chicken farms, and a combination of rice cultivation in the field. Therefore, the design plan revolves around the most important criterion that is suitable for their lifestyle and daily living habits. Other criteria are natural ventilation, good lighting, reduced energy consumption, and utilization and reuse of rainwater for daily life. The advantage of the house’s location when it has 3 open sides is wide views of the garden and pond and receiving good South winds. The main house facade faces the west.

本着给老人带来亲近感和熟悉感的设计精神(老人不希望有任何改变),建筑师团队选择了 “传统北方房屋 “方向的房屋形状和语言,但又带有现代气息。白色的主块位于老房子的同一位置(房子多年来已经破损)。红砖块是独特的垂直旋转。通过在主面应用砖块旋转,房子接受了风;花园和池塘的视野得到了增加。它还创造了两个块之间的形状和建筑材料的对比印象。

With a design spirit that brings closeness and familiarity to the elderly (who do not desire any change), the architect team chose the shape and language of the house in the direction of a “traditional Northern house”, but with a modern touch. The main white block is located on the same place as the old house (the house has deteriorated over the years). The red brick block is unique with vertical rotation. By applying block rotation at the main face, the house receives winds; the view of the garden and pond is increased. It also creates the impression of the contrast of shapes and architectural materials between the two blocks.


Most people in the countryside have to plant, harvest, and dry rice therefore a large multi-purpose yard is an indispensable feature for rural houses. The paddy drying yard is converted into a playground for the children or a place to gather for celebrations and boiling sticky rice cakes during the Tet holidays. This is a space that connects people with nature and their families with villages and local communities.

因为房子的正面靠近西方,建筑师团队安排了阳台,作为房子内部和外部的过渡缓冲空间,同时也是为有树荫的客厅减少热量的空间。使用 “树帘 “来阻挡阳光和辐射,有助于更好地调节温度,同时还能保证通风和视线,还能软化建筑空间,帮助人们与自然紧密联系。由于需要将房屋与一个大的天井和院子连接起来,同时又要保证宽阔的视野,建筑师团队采用了旋转木门系统,模拟传统 “台门 “的形象,所有门都有最大的开启能力。

Because the front of the house is near the West, the architect team has arranged the veranda to act as a transitional buffer space between the inside and the outside of the house, and at the same time-space to reduce heat for the living room with shade trees. The use of “tree blinds” to block the sun and radiation helps to better regulate the temperature while still ensuring ventilation, and visibility and also softens the architectural space, helping people to connect closely with nature. With the need to connect the house with a large patio and yard while still ensuring a wide view, the architect team used a rotating wooden door system that simulates the image of a traditional “table door” with maximum opening capacity for all doors.


The door with vertical wooden rails helps to regulate light and reduce sunlight in the living room. The door system opens and closes easily to change the state, connecting more easily with the porch and creating a strong material array for the main facade. The red brick block is subjected directly to the strongest sun’s rays. Therefore, it should be strengthened against heat with the use of double-layer bricks (110mm wall) for the covering walls. Between the 2 layers of brick is an air gap of 50mm wide that helps air circulate to slow down the heat transfer process. The outside of the walls is covered with an additional layer of red solid bricks to help prevent mold, and heat and increase the durability of the walls.

与北方传统房屋的布局相同(三室两厅的房屋),主轴线从院子出发,经过廊道,进入客厅,然后是礼拜区。位于旁边作为 “翼 “的辅助功能轴由餐厅、厨房、主卧室和卫生间组成。为了确保在不影响其他空间的情况下方便地进入花园,在房子的一侧为祖父母布置了一条带屋顶的独立走道。沿着这条路还安排了初步的桌子。在花园里采摘了蔬菜后,祖父母会在这里准备好蔬菜,然后再带进屋里。

Sharing the same layout as that of traditional houses in the North (houses with 3 compartments and 2 wings), the main axis is set up from the yard through the veranda and into the living room and then the worshiping area. The auxiliary function axis located next to it that serves as the “wing” consists of the dining room, kitchen, master bedroom, and toilet. To ensure convenient access to the garden without affecting other spaces, a separate walkway for the grandparents with a roof is placed on the side of the house. Preliminary tables are also arranged along the path. After having picked vegetables in the garden, the grandparents will prepare them here before bringing them into the house.


To increase the connection and interaction between family members, the kitchen area and the group of trees are put in the center of the secondary function axis. Incorporating the kitchen into the atrium also creates a vertical connection with the 2 bedrooms upstairs.


The 2nd floor is where the bedroom of the 2 sons comes to play every weekend and a table tennis room for the whole family. We took advantage of the sloping roof space to make a small attic room, suitable for bedrooms and or playing areas for children. This small bedroom is located in the parent’s bedroom, so it is easy for parents to manage and interact with their children.


The roof tile has a large slope, so it is easy to collect rainwater for reuse. Rainwater is collected into a storage tank and a part is used for bathing and washing, the rest is used to support garden irrigation.
The house carries the spirit of contemporary rural architecture but retains traditional spaces and culture. We hope that the project will contribute to creating an identity for modern rural house architecture.

Architects: Chu Ngoc Anh Architects
Area : 600 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Hoang Le
Lead Architect : Chử Ngọc Anh
1st Floor Building Area : 125m2
City : Đông Hoàng
Country : Vietnam