受委托在香港最繁华的购物区中心设计一个豪华购物中心的贵宾休息室,本地实践NC Design&Architecture借鉴了传统日本禅宗花园的设计和敏感性,创造出起伏曲折的茧形景观,形成起伏的形式和自然景观使游客沉浸在舒缓的富裕感中的材料。该项目被命名为“花园亭”,重新设计了私人休息室的概念,将其作为一种感性和宁静的体验,其雕塑设计是离散奢华的典范。
该项目包括两个截然不同的区域,都浸入了象牙色的色彩,起伏的曲线和有机图案:一个供所有游客使用的“雕刻花园”,包括礼宾,花店和展览空间以供季节性展示,以及一个私人VIP展馆。NCDA负责人Nelson Chow认为这两个区域都是自然的抽象回响,完全避免使用直线,而是将圆形和具有美感的轮廓的建筑语言用于室内和家具设计 –大多数家具都是特别设计的该项目。结果是一系列雕塑空间,抽象地利用了日本花园的舒缓氛围。

Commissioned to design a VIP Lounge in a luxury shopping centre at the heart of Hong Kong’s busiest shopping district, local practice NC Design & Architecture drew from the design and sensibility of traditional Japanese Zen gardens to create a sinuous, cocooning landscape of undulating forms and natural materials that immerses visitors into a sense of soothing opulence. Named ‘The Garden Pavilion’, the project re-invents the concept of a private lounge as a sensual and serene experience whose sculptural design is a paradigm of discrete luxury.
The project comprises two distinct zones, both steeped in ivory hues, undulating curves and organic motifs: a “sculptured garden” accessible to all visitors, comprising a concierge, florist and exhibition space for seasonal displays, and a private VIP pavilion. NCDA Principal, Nelson Chow, conceived both zones as an abstract echo of nature, completely eschewing the use of straight lines, embracing instead an architectural language of rounded shapes and voluptuous silhouettes for both the interior and furniture design – most of the furniture was designed especially for the project. The result is a series of sculptural spaces that abstractly harness the soothing ambience of Japanese gardens.

Design:NC Design & Architecture
Photograph:Harold De Puymorin