The Hedonist “被选为曼海姆Theather der Welt的 “Hotel ShabbyShabby “房间之一,这是德国最有影响力的戏剧节。

‘The Hedonist’ was selected to be one of ‘Hotel ShabbyShabby’ rooms for Theather der Welt in Mannheim – the most influential theater festival in Germany.

Hotel ShabbyShabby “是由Raumlaborberlin与戏剧节合作策划的,包括设计和建造20个临时酒店房间,位于曼海姆意想不到的公共空间,应该为客人提供一个独特的体验。这些房间应该只用回收的、再利用的或可回收的材料建造,并且不应该超过250欧元的预算。

‘Hotel ShabbyShabby’ was curated by Raumlaborberlin in partnership with the festival and consisted on the design and construction of 20 temporary hotel rooms located in unexpected public spaces of Mannheim that should provide a unique experience to their guests. These rooms should be built only with recycled, reused or recyclable materials and should not exceed the budget of 250€.


All the rooms were built in a workshop and construction camp right in front of the National Theatre of Mannheim and then transported to their respective sites.

河东人 “位于Neckarspitze,正是莱茵河和内卡河交汇的地方,这个地方拥有令人难以置信的360度景观,将田园自然与工业夜灯和大船经过结合起来。

‘The Hedonist’ was located at Neckarspitze, the exact place where the river Rhine and Neckar converge, a place with incredible 360º views that combine idyllic nature with industrial night lights and big ships passing by.

就像这个地方明显的空间悖论一样,”享乐主义 “的定义有两种对立但又互补的解释。虽然在哲学上与人类生活中的最高快乐和幸福有关,但其流行意义可能是贬义的,与自私地追求一时的满足和欲望有关。

Just like the apparent spatial paradox of this site, the definition of Hedonism has two opposing but somehow complementary interpretations: Whilst philosophically associated with supreme pleasure and happiness in human life, its popular sense may be pejorative and related with the selfish pursuit of momentary gratification and lust.

享乐主义者 “通过成为一个变革性的房间来翻译这种二分法;它适应使用者,他对幸福的解释,或者仅仅是一种短暂的精神状态,无论它意味着在自然景观的美丽全景中醒来,还是有一个热辣的一夜情。它提供了独处的乐趣或炫耀的喜悦,温暖的床的喜悦或合资企业的津津乐道。

‘The Hedonist’ translates this dichotomy by being a transformative room; it adapts itself to the user, his interpretation of happiness or simply to a transitory state of mind, whether it means waking up with a beautiful panoramic view of a natural landscape or having a hot one night stand. It offers the pleasure of being alone or the joy of showing off, the delight of a warmth bed or the relish of a joint venture.


Its transparency combined with the use of the red light, as hints of obscure joys, may be hidden or emphasized by the user, as the translucent white curtain reveal or conceal the room’s interior, depending on the intensity of light (day or night, artificial lights on or off). The repetition of vertical elements, as well as the component’s gradual layering towards the center suggest archetypes of visual harmony, human cult, craftmanship and tectonicity… this time around with contemporary humble materials.

因此,”The Hedonist “反映了善或恶,白色或红色,不透明或透明,羞涩或暴露主义。在这个房间里,你可以把所有这些都带进屋里,或者骄傲地向外展示。这个房间在艺术节期间甚至在建造完成之前就已经被预订一空。

‘The Hedonist’ thus reflects the good or the evil, the white or red, the opacity or the transparency, the shyness or the exhibitionism. It is a room where you can bring all of this inside or proudly show it to the outside. The room was fully booked for the duration of the festival even before its construction completion.

Architects: Frederico Martins, Nuno Pimenta
Year : 2014
Photographs :Nuno Pimenta