永恒的价值” 这个地方位于龙仁市郊区的光雾山附近。位置条件和 “无外卖 “和 “无插头无Wi-fi “的制度可能对顾客不方便。然而,我们鼓励顾客享受模拟时间,暂时远离数字,在大自然中完全 “休息 “和 “放松”。

‘Timeless Value’ The place is located near Mt. Gwanggyo on the outskirts of Yongin City. Locational conditions and the system of ‘No Takeaway’ and ‘No Plug No Wi-fi’ may be inconvenient for customers. Nevertheless, we encourage customers to enjoy the analog time, away from digital for a while, for complete ‘resting’ and ‘relaxing’ in nature.

Time to B “超越了使用数以千计的一次性杯子,这些杯子就像再生纸一样被扔掉,并通过引入完全不提供一次性杯子的 “No Take Out “系统,传递了一个关于可持续发展的信息。没有插头,没有Wi-fi “意味着 “我们将提供足够的价值来填补你的时间。那一刻是我们希望在放下智能手机和笔记本电脑等日常事物的便利时,为我们的生活带来有意义的价值。

‘Time to B’ goes beyond using thousands of disposable cups that are thrown away as waste as recycled paper, and throws a message about sustainability by introducing ‘No Take Out’ system that does not provide disposable cups at all. ‘No Plug No Wi-fi’ means ‘We will provide more than enough value to fill your time meaningfully’. That moment is the meaningful value we want to bring into our lives when we put down the convenience of everyday things such as smartphones and laptops.

有时我们想把转瞬即逝的时刻作为永恒的时刻留下。但这个地方让时间流逝,谈论 “自然 “的流动。多年来堆积的痕迹成为个人历史的重要组成部分。空间通过成为’自然’和’个人’的时间之间的接触点而成为一个单一的地方。通过对’真实’自然的时间进行空间解释,我们创造了各种序列和凝视流动。

Sometimes we want to leave a fleeting moment as an eternal moment. But the place lets time go by and talks about the ‘natural’ flow. Traces piled up over the years become essential to an individual’s history. The space becomes a single place by becoming a touch point between the time of ‘nature’ and ‘individual.’ By spatially interpreting the time of ‘real’ nature, we have created various sequences and gaze flow.


‘Bricks’ made of soil, which can be found everywhere, are materials implying time and durability. We delivered a unified image using bricks as the primary materials inside and outside, for they remain valuable and do not change easily over the years. We created a void space through the bricks combined outside and those partly segmented inside. This captures the actual movement of light and allows people to feel the phenomenological sense of rhythm according to the change of time.


Passing through a path in nature faces space. We intended limited movement on the water and induced an extensive spatial experience through the wide-facing entrance. We planned the inner first floor, connected horizontally with the site, as an extension of the nature of the land.

它由从地下一层到二层的空间组成。Bumchun集团的办公室、烘焙室、烘烤室和实验室都位于地下室,而一楼和二楼则分为两个品牌,’time to Bakery’和’time to Bistro’。’time to Bakery’是一个与糖果和面包有关的烘焙品牌。在一些空间里有一个独立的咖啡师区域,供人们体验滴漏咖啡。’time to Bistro’是一个通过预订的私人经营品牌。位于二楼,人们可以在一个单独的柜台点餐,享受早午餐,与’time to Bakery’不同。

It consists of spaces from the basement floor to the second floor. Bumchun Group’s office, roastery room, baking room, and laboratory are located in the basement, whereas the first and second floors are divided into two brands, ‘time to Bakery’ and ‘time to Bistro.’ ‘time to Bakery’ is a bakery brand related to confectionery and bakery. There is a separate barista area in some spaces for people to experience drip coffee. ‘time to Bistro’ is a privately run brand through reservations. Located on the second floor, people can order at a separate counter and enjoy brunch, unlike ‘time to Bakery.’

Architects: NONE SPACE
Area : 1493 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Kiwoong Hong
Clients : Bumchun Coffee Group
City : Yongin-si
Country : South Korea