Turnaccommodatie Nieuw Welgelegen(TNW)是一个专门用于体操的运动馆。它不会被用于任何其他运动。四个俱乐部在这个新设施中共同努力。

Turnaccommodatie Nieuw Welgelegen (TNW) is a sports hall dedicated to Gymnastics. It will not be used for any other sports. Four clubs combine efforts in this new facility.

TNW是乌特勒支中心名为Nieuw Welgelegen的体育场馆重建项目中的第三座,也可能是最后一座。

TNW is the 3rd and probably last building in the redevelopment of the sports complex in the center of Utrecht called Nieuw Welgelegen.

简报中排除了在大厅中创建窗户的可能性。这被证明是这类设施的主要难题:为了 “宜居”,需要有日光,但对于严肃的训练和比赛,窗户会造成不希望看到的效果:太多对比和太多分心。窗户在眼睛的高度并不是一个好主意。

The brief excluded the possibility of creating windows in the hall. This turns out to be the main dilemma for this type of facility: in order to be ‘livable’, daylight is required, but for serious training and competitions windows will cause undesired effects: too much contrast and too much distraction. Windows at eye level are not a good idea.


Furthermore the vulnerability that comes with glass is an issue. Especially in this particular area: not long ago the streets around here used to be paved with shattered glass from cars that had been broken in to.


But the most surprising problem of windows is their transparency: the suspicion is that perverts might try to get a glimpse of the elastic girls inside… As a consequence gymnastics halls often tend to be gloomy.

TNW的想法是在顶部 “剥离 “皮肤,将日光带入室内。通过部分弯曲的外墙,在屋顶边缘和墙壁之间出现了一个缝隙:间接的光线将反射到大厅里。

The idea of TNW is to ‘peel off’ the skin at the top to bring daylight into the interior. By partly bending out the facade a gap comes into being between the roof edge and the walls: indirect light will reflect into the hall.


The carefully deformed envelop creates a mildly glowing gradient that lights up towards the top. A pleasant side-effect of bending out the facade is that the building becomes sculptural: an optimistic gesture comes into being.

一个两层楼的服务区,包括更衣室、存储空间、技术装置,被放置在房间的旁边,这样一来,外墙就保持了 “自由”。一个充满光线的双层高的走廊提供了通往更衣室的通道。

A two story service block with dressing rooms, storage spaces, technical installations is placed along side the room in such a way that the facade remains ‘free’. A light-filled double-high corridor provides access to the changing rooms.


Two stairs at both ends of the corridor lead to the grand stand that is placed on top the dressing rooms. The draught lobby bends out, clearly demarcating the entrance. The traditional material to clad large halls -corrugated steel plate- has been deployed in a blissful way: even the obvious corner profile could be avoided.

Architects: NL Architects
Year: 2011
Photographs: Luuk Kramer, Patrick Bals