
A family is looking for a new home able to represent their trips around the globe, their desire to live in a garden and to embody the cinematic diversity of domestic life. The result is the design of two different houses on the same plot.

“托博根之家 “是一座位于南坡的普通三层楼房。该项目将两座房子和一个容纳停车场、入口和两个楼梯的空隙并列在一起,作为一个热调节器,在花园、乡间和风景如画的石窟之间构建一个跟踪镜头,同时穿过休息室、桑拿-健身中心、酒吧、餐厅和厨房。

he Tobogan House is a generic three-storey house on a southern slope. The project juxtaposes two houses and a void that houses a car park, an entrance and two staircases, working as a thermal regulator and constructing a tracking shot between a garden, a folie and a picturesque grotto while crossing through the lounge, sauna-fitness center, bar, dining room and kitchen.


One of the houses is organized to inhabit the soil with its habits and routines. The other was made light-heartedly, emancipated from the ground, in the air, is flying at a double height over the garden. Both are totally different each other in materiality, shape and weight. The most important spatial interest of the complex is the heterogeneous, ambiguous and membranous space that appears between the two houses.

这个空间的景观负荷是通过在楼层之间循环的家庭生活的暴露来实现的。地面层被包含在两道长长的混凝土墙之间。这些墙切入土壤,以容纳两个 “传统和现代 “的体量,由一个围绕空的温室舞台的走廊连接。南部有一个 “美好生活 “的花园,北部潜伏着 “怪诞花园”–中间是充满希望的双高温室。

The scenic load of this space is achieved through the exposure of domestic life circulating between floors. The ground floor is contained between two long concrete walls. These walls cut into the soil to accommodate two ‘ conventional and modern’ volumes, connected by a corridor surrounding the empty greenhouse-stage. In the South there is a garden for “the Good Life”, to the North lurks the “Grotesque Garden”— in the middle is the promising double height greenhouse.

楼层是由波纹铁、窗帘、空气和镜子包裹的三个空圆柱体形成的。圆柱体内部居住着 “超级内部”,为9个用木头、棉花、亚麻布和丝绸填充的房间提供完全的隐私,周围是 “纪念品”。

Over this green sequence along the plot, a smooth surface, based at ground level, lets Nature to cross over the slab and the car to pass through one side to the other over the dining-kitchen area. The upper
floor is formed by wrapping three empty cylinders with corrugated iron, curtains, air and mirrors. Inside the cylinders inhabit the “super-interior”, offering total privacy to 9 rooms padded with wood, cotton, linen and silk, surrounded by “souvenirs”.

Architects: Z4Z4 AAA
Area: 512 m²
Year: 2015
Project Management Architects:Rafael Beneytez, Víctor Cano, Ophelia Mantz
Project Team:Rafael Beneytez,Víctor Cano, Ophelia Mantz,Borja Iglesias, Elena Oña.
Structure:Juan Carlos Arroyo, Ignacio García (Calter) + Rafael Beneytez, Víctor Cano (z4z4)
Modular System:Guillermo Martínez, Luis Martín (Eurobox) + Rafael Beneytez, Víctor Cano (z4z4)
Landscape:Martín Toimil (Land30)
Light Design:Ilumisa + Rafael Beneytez, Víctor Cano (z4z4)
Facilities:Carolo Garrote (Proyecta!)
Bioclimatic Project:Ophelia Mantz, Elena Oña
Contractor:Mario Navarro, Santiago Ibañez (Ars Tectónica)
Surveyor:Alfonso del Castillo
Project Author:Rafael Beneytez Duran (Z4Z4)