Toggle Hotel位于东京的中心地带,是一家名副其实的都市酒店。三角形的场地,一边是飞越历史悠久的帝国护城河延伸段的首都高速公路,另一边是横贯东京的铁路干线中央线经过。

Toggle Hotel is truly an urban hotel, located in the heart of Tokyo. The triangular site is bound by the Metropolitan Expressway flying over an extension of the historic Imperial moat on one side, while the Chuo Line, the main railway line that crosses Tokyo, runs past on the opposite side.

这座建筑被设计成新的标志性建筑,体现了东京的活力与生机。在火车或汽车上,人们经常会路过一些建筑,但它们似乎并不显眼,因此,对Toggle Hotel来说,脱颖而出,成为自己的广告很重要。在东京的城市丛林中,一些可以识别并帮助定位的东西。

The building was designed to be a new iconic landmark, which reflected Tokyo’s energy and vitality. So often one passes buildings on a train or in a car and they seem nondescript, so it was important for Toggle Hotel to stand out and become its own advertising. Something to recognize and help locate you in Tokyo’s urban jungle.

为了回应灰色单调的城市环境,Toggle Hotel的建筑和室内装修都是关于运动和色彩的。建筑强调汽车和火车的水平运动,连续的窗带追寻着城市基础设施和快递速度的活力。清新的黄色和水泥灰色的图案灵感来源于高速公路上的图形图案。虽然建筑的设计和颜色在近两年前就已经得到了市政府的批准,但凯达公司的设计完全到位,因为灰色和黄色正是今年的Pantone年度色彩。

Responding to the grey monochrome urban setting the architecture and interior of Toggle Hotel is all about movement and colour. The architecture emphasizes the horizontal movement of the cars and trains, with continuous window bands which trace the dynamism of the urban infrastructure and express speed. The fresh yellow and the concrete gray pattern was inspired by the graphic patterns on the expressway. Although the design and colour of the building were approved by the city council almost 2 years ago, KDa were totally on point as the exact grey and yellow are this year’s Pantone Colours of the year!


The reception lobby is located on the top floor of the building which also acts as the cafe and main social hub of the hotel. Glazed on 3 sides, generous green terraces give great views of the city and the 50,000 seat Tokyo Dome which is located nearby. Fans for concerts and events will be some of the guests that use this hotel.

酒店的定位是东京时尚而又经济的住宿场所。约有60%的房间有阁楼式的床,可以让3人住在一个房间里。酒店的每层楼都有不同的颜色组合,这也反映在10种类型的房间中。选择你喜欢的颜色组合吧 KDa与平面设计团队artless合作,为酒店设计了标志、图形和品牌。双色组合甚至体现在房间的家居服上。

The hotel is positioned as a stylish, yet economical place to stay in Tokyo. Around 60 percent of the rooms have loft-type beds which allow 3 people to stay in one room. Each floor of the hotel has a different colour combination which is reflected in the10 types of rooms as well. Choose your favourite colour combination! KDa worked with the graphic design team artless who developed the logo, graphics, and branding for the hotel. The two-colour combination is even reflected in the loungewear for the room.


The hotel gets its name Toggle from the notion that you can be ON or OFF at the hotel. On for work or off for leisure – or equally off for work and on for leisure. Whether you are staying at the hotel for business, leisure, or just for train spotting, each stay is guaranteed to be colourful, different, and fun!

建筑师:Klein Dytham architecture
面积 : 3219 m²
摄影作品:Shingo Nakashima / SS
联合建筑师: Irie Miyake Architects and Engineers
平面设计:Shun Kawakami & Artless
Mep和结构工程师:Irie Miyake Architects and Engineers
照明设计顾问:Daiko Electric
总承包商:Kitano Construction
Architects: Klein Dytham architecture
Area: 3219 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Shingo Nakashima / SS
Co Architects:Irie Miyake Architects and Engineers
Graphic Design:Shun Kawakami & Artless
Ffe Contractor:Tanseisha
Mep And Structural Engineers:Irie Miyake Architects and Engineers
Lighting Design Consultants:Daiko Electric
General Contractor :Kitano Construction
City:Chiyoda City