场地条件。加拉塔港是伊斯坦布尔的一个城市重建项目,在Tophane区内一个以前无法进入的区域,成为一个艺术和文化核心。作为这个项目的一部分,Tophane公园提供了一个历史性的地标,如18世纪奥斯曼风格的Mahmud-Han喷泉,以及新的发展,包括伊斯坦布尔现代博物馆和Resim Heykel博物馆。

Site conditions. Galata port is an urban redevelopment project in Istanbul in a previously inaccessible area within the Tophane district into an artistic and cultural core. As part of this project, Tophane Park offers a mix of historic landmarks, such as the 18th-century Ottoman-style Mahmud-Han fountain, and new developments including the Istanbul Modern Museum and the Resim Heykel Museum.


Inspiration. In 2020, Carve was asked to design a play area in the historical Tophane Park. The exceptional setting, including a blend of ancient and contemporary structures such as the Ottoman baroque-style building, the Ottoman-style Mahmud-Han fountain, and the modern museum and mall, quickly captivated and challenged our attention to creating a playful as well as distinctive design. Our aim was to pay tribute to the peaceful atmosphere of the park and harmoniously connect the historical and new structures within it.


Materials unveil the local history. By embracing the long and rich tradition of Turkish craftsmanship, Carve opted to integrate traditional stone carving into the design. The use of local materials such as hardstone and wood, along with sand from the Aegean shoreline, resulted in a harmonious material palette that perfectly blends with the surrounding structures.

雕塑般的游戏场景。受附近Tophane喷泉脚印的方形启发,我们雕刻了一个动态的、诱人的游戏区,向喷泉和它的赞助人的昵称致敬: 马哈茂特一世 “驼背”。在设计过程中,形状被拉伸和变形以适应环境,原来的四个角中的一个被移除。由此产生的配置似乎刚从附近的伊斯坦布尔现代博物馆逃出来,它被设想为形式、颜色、材料和身体之间的雕塑性互动。

A sculptural playscape. Inspired by the square shape of the nearby Tophane fountain’s footprint, we sculpted a dynamic and inviting play area that pays homage to both the fountain and the nickname of its patron: Mahmut I “The Hunchback.” During the design process, the shape was stretched and deformed to adapt to the context and one of the original four corners was removed. The resulting configuration seems just escaped from the close-by Istanbul Modern museum and it is envisioned as a sculptural interaction among form, color, materials, and body.

游乐场由三个区域组成,以满足不同年龄组的需求。每个区域都有一个内部的沙地空间,那里有额外的冒险游戏元素。 这个用于玩耍的大型雕塑物体提供了几种功能(滑动、踩踏、攀爬、躺下、爬行、表演、平衡),但没有一种功能是第一眼就能清楚辨认的。

The playground consists of three areas that cater to different age groups. Each section embraces an inner sandy space where additional adventurous play elements are located. This big sculptural object meant for playing offers several functionalities (sliding, stepping, climbing, lounging, crawling, performing, balancing), but none of them is clearly recognizable at first glimpse.


Going beyond the ordinary. In designing this project, we broke away from the regular playground concept which relies on directive activities and limited interactions; instead, we created a multi-functional element that inspires play. Our unconventional approach resulted in a smooth sculptural object, attractive and playful for everyone -kids and adults.


Bridging techniques. To streamline the construction process and ensure the final construction’s coherence, we worked with a local manufacturer to bring our vision to life. During the design and engineering phases, we faced together multiple challenges. For instance, how to build an extensive stone sculpture with many double curved surfaces? As a solution, we combined some of the latest 3D digital techniques with skilled local craftsmanship.

首先是公共空间,其次是游乐场。 在Carve,我们认为游戏是公共领域的一个重要组成部分。我们为不同年龄、不同群体和不同背景的人创造环境。我们发现,当公共空间为各种活动提供便利,鼓励用户群体进行互动,同时也作为实验的场所时,是最吸引人的。

Public space first, a playground next. At Carve, we see play as a vital component in the public realm. We create environments for people of all ages, groups, and backgrounds. We find it most fascinating when public spaces facilitate various events and encourage user groups to interact, but also serve as a venue for experimentation.


The most special thing about Tophane park playground is the fact the surrounding public space continues through it. The playground is not a fenced-off area where parents are watching from distance, it is for everyone, open to those who are not afraid to get involved!

Architects: Carve
Area : 350 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Playdium, Susanna Vissani
Lead Architect : Elger Blitz
Lead Engineer : Mark van der Eng
Product Designer : Jasper van der Schaaf,
Product Engineer : Lucas Beukers
Technical Designer : Wilco Spruijt
Designers : Gaia Glereani, Susanna Vissani
Manufacturer : Playdium
City : İstanbul
Country : Turkey