该项目是由平面设计师Maude Lescarbeau和Camille Blais合作设计的。这个色彩斑斓的装置是为了安全地容纳和吸引因COVID-19大流行病而被关了几周的蒙特利尔市中心的市民。该布局的设计旨在为路人提供一个长廊或坐下来休息的空间,同时尊重当前的卫生和社会距离规范。

The project was designed with the collaboration of graphic designers Maude Lescarbeau and Camille Blais. The colorful installation was conceived to safely accommodate and attract citizens currently reappropriating the downtown of Montreal after several weeks of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The layout is designed to offer passers-by a space to promenade or to sit and relax while respecting current sanitation and social distancing norms.

在设计的帮助下重新利用蒙特利尔市中心 你在餐桌前的位置!是3个TULIPs(les Terrasses Urbaines LIbres au Public)和3个公共空间中的一个,在建筑公司和著名设计师的奉献下,蒙特利尔市中心已经被设计出来。Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles最初的任务是制作一个艺术装置,以吸引和刺激Quartier des Spectacles的交通,同时保持社会距离。

Reappropriating downtown Montreal with the help of design Your Place at the Table! is one of 3 TULIPs – les Terrasses Urbaines LIbres au Public – and three public spaces that have been designed in downtown Montreal thanks to the dedication of architectural firms and reputed designers. The initial mandate from the Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles was to produce an artistic installation that would attract and stimulate traffic in the Quartier des Spectacles while maintaining social distancing measures.

TULIPs是一种公共设施,与当地商业和文化旅游景点的供应协同工作。它们让人们从宜人的夏秋天气中获益,重新发现自己的城市。通过添加社会元素重新审视一个以生态品质著称的公园 来自ADHOC architectes的团队被授权重新审视由Claude Cormier et Associés(2008-2012)设计的Hydro-Quebec公园,该公园因其生态品质而获得多个奖项。ADHOC architectes通过将3260平方米的场地改造成一个新的城市梯田,为其增加了社会元素。

The TULIPs are public amenities that work in synergy with the supply of local commerces and cultural and touristic attractions. They allow people to profit from the pleasant summer and fall weather to rediscover their city. Revisiting a park known for its ecological qualities by adding a social component The team from ADHOC architectes was given the mandate to revisit the Hydro-Quebec park designed by Claude Cormier et Associés (2008-2012), which received multiple prizes for its ecological qualities. ADHOC architectes added a social component to the site of 3260m2 by transforming it into a new urban terrasse.

一张100米(300英尺)长的 “城市餐桌 “被精确地植入现有的家具和树木之间,这些家具和树木穿透了场地中心的高架、棱角分明的金属格栅。桌子在树冠下起伏不定,让游客发现一系列的舞台设置和不同的氛围。一个增强的、友好的和安全的体验 活泼的、定制的图形标牌和迷人的灯光照亮了这个通常相当阴暗的环境,在白天和晚上创造了一个受欢迎的气氛。在这个基调对基调的装置中,黄色也因此得到了颂扬。这种喜庆、欢快、明亮的色彩组合吸引了路人的目光,与现有公园的单色色调形成了明显的对比。蒙特利尔市中心的绿洲是一个真正的色彩斑斓、生机勃勃的绿洲,这个装置吸引着人们的好奇和发现。

A 100 meter (300 feet) long “urban table” was precisely implanted between the existing furniture and trees that perforate the elevated, angular metal grille in the center of the site. The table undulates under the canopy of the trees, leaving visitors to discover a succession of staged place settings and varied atmospheres. An enhanced, friendly and safe experience Vibrant, custom graphic signage and enchanting lighting brighten up this usually quite shady environment, creating a welcome atmosphere during the day and night. The colour yellow is thus celebrated in this tone on tone installation. This festive, joyous and luminous colour palette attracts stares from passers-by and introduces a marked contrast with the monochromatic shades of the existing park. A truly colorful and vivacious oasis in the heart of downtown Montreal, the installation invites curiosity and discovery.


The project was conceived to allow Montrealers to reappropriate this public space while respecting the sanitary regulations defined by public health officials. A large structure and graphic arrow placed at the entrance of the park signals the beginning of the project. The public is then invited to discover the full length of the table and the place settings that punctuate it with eclectic collections of recycled objects. These iconic, gastronomic objects were judiciously placed to subtly foster intuitive social distancing.

重新设计的空间提供了80个座位,并鼓励直接支持22家当地餐厅在Le Central餐厅重新开业。总而言之,这个项目为我们提出了一种新的想象,让我们在同一张桌子上安全地集体分享片刻。来体验餐桌的艺术吧,这是一个将当地美食与Quartier des Spectacles的独特魅力相结合的景点。您在餐桌前的位置:无论是白天还是黑夜,无论是坐着还是站着,无论是朋友之间还是独自一人,无论是情侣还是家庭,都可以在这一刻享受到休息和饮食的乐趣。歡迎您的光臨!

The redesigned space proposes 80 seats and encourages the direct support of 22 local restaurants reopening in the cafeteria of Le Central. In conclusion, the project thus proposes for us to imagine a new way of sharing a moment collectively and safely at the same table. Come experience the art of the table, an attraction marrying local culinary offerings with the unique attractions of the Quartier des Spectacles. Your Place at the Table: a moment of reprieve, to eat and drink, night or day, sitting, standing, between friends or alone, as a couple or a family. Welcome!

建筑师:ADHOC architectes
面积:3260 m²
摄影:Raphael Thibodeau
制造商:Enscape、McNeel Enscape, McNeel
平面设计师:Maude P. Lescarbeau和Camille Blais
客户:Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacle (PQDS)
木工:Le Madrier (Meven Valy & Timothée Combes)
印刷:Marco Facciola, Umake, Umake (Marco Facciola)
城市 : 蒙特利尔
Architects: ADHOC architectes
Area: 3260 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Raphael Thibodeau
Manufacturers: Enscape, McNeel
Graphic Designers:Maude P. Lescarbeau & Camille Blais
Clients:Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacle (PQDS)
Carpentry And Woodworking:Le Madrier (Meven Valy & Timothée Combes)
Printing:Marco Facciola, Umake, Umake (Marco Facciola)