在韩国的Sori-san山脉边上,U RETREAT位于洪川郡大谷里的Sari-gol山谷的核心。从40米远的地方往下看,一个尖锐的垂直悬崖在100米的高度上延伸。这个被巨大的石头压住的地质构造的规模,以及其中茂盛的植被的活力,完全压倒了周围的环境。

Bordered by the Sori-san mountain range in South Korea, the U RETREAT sits at the core of the Sari-gol valley in Hongcheon-gun Daegok-ri. Looking down on the site from as little a distance of 40 meters, a sharp vertical cliff stretches at an altitude of 100 meters. The scale of this geological formation, pinned down by enormous stones, and the vitality of the flourishing vegetation within it totally overwhelm the surroundings.

洪川县大谷里的字面意思是 “宽阔的湖泊 “和 “高大的土丘”,这个名字暗示了这片土地长期存在的状况。穿过山谷的风形成了一种运动感,使整个悬崖都在摇晃。树木的小姿态,每个都根据它们的重量摇晃,共同形成了一个流动的悬崖。

Hongcheon-gun (洪川) Daegok-ri(垈谷), which literally means ‘wide lake’ and ‘high mound’, is a name that alludes to the long persisting conditions of the land. The wind that passes through the valley forms a sense of movement which shakes the entirety of the cliff. The small gestures of the trees, each of which shake according to their weight, come together to form a flowing cliff.

这个项目是由一位来自时尚界的退休商人提出的。对于退休后的生活,他希望有一个位于深谷中的独特和冥想的住所。这个项目的重点是当地的小住宿,所以它被称为 “养老金”,可以在建筑上得到发展。为此,我构思了对自然的个别解释,并从客人的位置分析不同的观点,以提取一个新的空间体验。

This project has been asked by a retired business man from fashion industry. For a retired life, he wanted a unique and meditative accommodation located in a deep valley. The important point of this project was how local small accommodations, so it called as “Pension”, can be architecturally evolved. To do so, I conceived an individual interpretation for the nature and an analysis for diverse views from position of guests to extract a new spatial experience.


It varies from families for one night trip to couples for a date. All of them want to take a rest at a fancy space without any disruption. They can experience a new spatiality via multi-leveling floor plan that living room, main bedroom, Korean style bedroom, bathroom, terrace and spa are divided through different levels rather than partitions. The reason of multi-leveling is that various levels can offer the diverse relationship between guest and natural scenery, which enables a colorful appreciation for the nature.


Mountain viewed from the site delivered the image of flying solid mass. Also, I expected that oblique lines made by concrete mass can contrast with irregular and varied lines of the nature. In this respect, diagonal column and cantilever and upper and lower parts connected with twist generate active shapes harmoniously diversified with natural scence.


It is a kind of dealing with hilly land through minimizing contact surface. This incidently creates as if cantilever masses talked with hilly land.

U RETREAT的对面是一个悬崖。仿佛悬崖是一幅季节性变化的大画。U RETREAT通过玻璃窗和多层次的混凝土平台,自然地拥抱着悬崖上的多彩场景。作为一种材料,混凝土可以作为树木、花朵、岩石等自然物体的背景而保持中立。

U RETREAT is faced with a cliff on the opposite side. As if the cliff were a big picture altering seasonally. U RETREAT naturally embraces colorful scenes of the cliff via glass window and multi-leveled platforms of concrete. As a material, concrete can be neutral as a background of natural objects like trees, flowers, rocks and so on.

U RETREAT有两种类型;上层单位(108平方米)和下层单位(49平方米)。下层单元面对地面,与上层单元分开,尽管它们是连接在一起的。上层单位有空中平台和温泉,我们可以在那里享受冥想的沐浴,看到悬崖和天空。

U RETREAT has two types; upper unit (108m2) and lower unit (49m2). The lower unit is faced with ground and separated from the upper unit although they are linked within one mass. The upper unit has sky terrace and spa where we can enjoy meditative bath seeing the cliff and sky.

公共设施空间扮演着礼宾部、咖啡馆、带小厨房的餐厅的角色。它支持U Retreat内的户外活动,如游泳、烧烤和冥想。

Utility space plays a role as a concierge, cafe, restaurant with small kitchen. It supports outdoor activity within U Retreat for swimming, barbecue, and meditation.

Architects: Heesoo Kwak and IDMM Architects
Area: 1595 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Kim Jaeyoun
Manufacturers: Eagon, NANOOMTECT
Architect In Charge:Heesoo Kwak
Country:South Korea