砖的纹理赋予了建筑的三维外观,而作为花园种植的间隙空间保持了室内的舒适:Lins Arquitetos在巴西东北部Unileao校园的体育馆使用了简单而有效的解决方案,具有大胆的个性。

The texture of the brick gives the surface of the building a three-dimensional look, while a gap space planted as a garden maintains indoor comfort: Lins Arquitetos uses simple but effective solutions in a gym with a bold identity for the Unileão campus in northeastern Brazil.

建筑师:Lins Arquitetos Associados
首席建筑师:Cintia Lins和George Lins
地点:Av. Maria Leticia Pereira, S/N, Lagoa Seca, Juazeiro do Norte – CE(巴西)
团队:Gabriela Brasileiro, Camila Tavares, Hanna dos Santos, Samuel Melo, Alice Teles和Paula Thiers。
摄影:Joana França