工作室Roslynwere的Kate Snyder和Jessica MacDonald是由位于不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市的高品质快捷服务的中东餐厅Superbaba的四位业主雇用的,他们希望在一个既舒适又又舒适的空间中将这两个世界连接起来。最终做成一个有趣的休闲目的地,融合复古和现代的态度.
进入Superbaba后,顾客首先注意到当代的配色方案和中世纪的风格贯穿始终; 类似于在老式晚餐中可以找到的那些,看到不同色调的粉红色,绿色和蓝色都带有黑色和白色,干净的几何线条和曲线创造了流动以及描绘空间。 同时,由于餐厅前面的宽大窗户壁以及悬挂在高高的天花板上的不同大小和长度的球形灯,所以可以投射出温暖的灯光。
When Kate Snyder and Jessica MacDonald of Studio Roslynwere hired by the four owners of Superbaba, a high quality, quick-service Middle Eastern restaurant in Victoria, BC, they were charged with bridging the two worlds in a space that was at once comfortable and yet intriguing. The result is a quirky casual destination that is filled with retro references and plenty of modern attitude.
Upon entering Superbaba, patrons first notice the contemporary color scheme and midcentury touches running throughout; similar to those that could be found in an old-fashioned Diner which sees varying shades of pink, green and blue are accented with blacks and whites and clean, geometric lines and curves create a flow as well as delineate spaces. Meanwhile, a warm lighting is cast thanks to both the wide window wall at the front of the restaurant, as well as from the globe lamps of varying sizes and lengths hanging from the high ceiling.

中间的惊喜元素也比比皆是,从“ The Dallah Menu ” 开始,这是基于黎巴嫩家族历史的档案菜肴。设计师希望强烈地融入复活节餐馆中常见的美学,但给它一个新鲜的,令人兴奋的转折,因此,通常在唐纳尔商店展出的过度饱和的食品摄影等元素已被更新并给予“超现实主义”通过幽默地融入与食物搭配的人来改变。霓虹灯标牌和灯箱也是中东地区的元素,为室内装饰提供了有趣的音符。
用于台面的蓝色斑点石英岩,货架是温暖的木材,以及整个过程中使用的盆栽植物,都来自于设计师给出的最不可能的设计灵感:“ 每个祖母在黎巴嫩的家中都能找到的细节 “。然而,舒适,温馨的结果绝对是一个符合标志的结果,无论是拥有餐厅的家庭还是他们所服务的人。这是一个温馨的氛围,完美地融合了新旧。

Middle Easter elements also abound, starting with “The Dallah Menu” which is based on archive dishes from the Lebanese family’s history. The designers wanted to strongly tie into the aesthetic typically found in Middle Easter eateries but give it a fresh, exciting twist, hence, elements such as the over-saturated food photography usually on show in donair shops have been updated and given a “surrealist” twist by humorously incorporating people engaging with the food. Neon signage and light boxes are also elements incorporated from the Middle East that give a fun note to the interiors.
The blue speckled quartzite used for the countertops, warm wood of the shelves and millwork, as well as the potted plants used throughout, come from what is definitely the most unlikely design inspiration the designers were given: “Details found in every grandmother’s home in Lebanon.” And yet, the comfortable, homey result is definitely one that meets the mark, both for the family that owns the restaurant as well as for the people they serve. It’s a welcoming atmosphere that perfectly accents the warmth and spice of the menu, bridging the old and the new.

Design studio: Studio Roslyn
Photography: Lauren D Zbarsky
Location:1325 BLANSHARD ST.